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Expert Advisory Committee


PLACE: Lord Elgin Hotel, Pearson Room
DATE: June 26th, 2003

Start: 8:30 a.m. End: 4:00 p.m.


Core Members:
Dr. J.J. Thiessen, (CHAIR) ___, Dr. A. Donner ___, Dr. R. Herman___, Dr. F. Jamali ___, Dr. E. Palylyk-Colwell ___, Dr. K. Renton ___, Dr. D. Sitar ___

ad hoc Members:
Dr. R. Nair ___, Dr. W. Racz ___, Dr. W. Riggs ___, Dr. F. Varin___, Mr. S. Walker___

Health Canada Representatives:
Dr. M.M. Bernard ___, Ms. L. Carter ___, Ms. L. Cockell ___, Dr. L.N. Cui ___, Ms. M. Davis ___, Ms. C. Ficker ___, Dr. J. Gordon ___, Dr. K. Kourad ___, Dr. C. Lourenco ___, Dr. A. Makinde ___, Dr. A. Melnyk ___, Mr. E. Ormsby ___, Dr. C. Pereira ___, Dr. P. Roufail ___, Dr. C. Simon ___, Ms. S. Stojdl ___, Dr. A. Tam ___, Ms. S. Wagner ___, Mr. P. Wielowieyski ___

Stakeholder Presenters:
Ms. M. Belisle ___, Dr. W. Curatolo ___, Dr. P. Keown ___, Dr. M. Lefebvre ___, Dr. I. McGilveray ___, Dr. K. Midha ___, Dr. C. Toal ___


Chairperson: Dr. Jake Thiessen Primary Facilitator: Dr. Conrad Pereira Scribe/Timekeeper: Ms. Marilyn Davis


Item Time Topic and Discussion Leader Type* Outcome
1 15 mins
8:30 - 8:45
Chair's address & opening remarks, adjustment of agenda Dr. J. Thiessen, Chair IS Welcome and outline meeting.
2 30 mins
8:45 - 9:15
Presentation: Bioequivalence Requirements: Comparative Bioavailability Studies Conducted in the Fed State
Dr. E. Palylyk-Colwell
IP Presentation of discussion paper & overview of issues surrounding requirements for food effect studies.
3 60 mins
Stakeholder Presentations: Requirements for Food Effect Studies moderated by Dr. J. Thiessen IP  
10 mins
9:15 - 9:25
Presentation # 1
Dr. W. Curatolo
Pfizer Global Research & Development
IP Allows stakeholder input and suggestions on development of Policies, leading to debate.

Strict adherence to time lines necessary.

10 mins
9:25 - 9:35
Presentation # 2
Dr. M. Lefebvre
Algorithme Pharma Inc.
10 mins
9:35 - 9:45
Presentation # 3
Dr. I. McGilveray
University of Ottawa
10 mins
9:45 - 9:55
Presentation # 4
Dr. K. Midha
Pharmalytics Research Institute
10 mins
9:55 - 10:05
Presentation # 5
Dr. C. Toal
Bayer Inc.
4 25 mins
10:05 - 10:30
Coffee Break    
5 90 mins
10:30 - 12:00
Open Discussion on Requirements for Food Effect Studies
moderated by Dr. J. Thiessen
  Opportunity for EAC members, presenters, stakeholders and observers to participate in discussion on food requirements.
6 60 mins
12:00 - 1:00
7 30 mins
1:00 - 1:30
Presentation: Bioequivalence Requirements: Highly Variable Drugs & Highly Variable Drug Products: Issues & Options
Dr. K. Midha
IP Presentation of discussion paper & overview of issues surrounding highly variable drugs.
8 40 mins
Stakeholder Presentations: Highly Variable Drugs
moderated by Dr. J. Thiessen
10 mins
1:30 - 1:40
Presentation # 1
Ms. M. Belisle
Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association
IP Allows stakeholder input and suggestions on development of Policies, leading to debate.

Strict adherence to time lines necessary.

10 mins
1:40 - 1:50
Presentation # 2
Dr. P. Keown
Vancouver General Hospital
10 mins
1:50 - 2:00
Presentation # 3
Dr. I. McGilveray
University of Ottawa
10 mins
2:00 - 2:10
Presentation # 4
Dr. C. Toal
Bayer Inc.
9 20 mins
2:10 - 2:30
Coffee Break    
10 75 mins
2:30 - 3:45
Open Discussion on Highly Variable Drugs
moderated by Dr. J. Thiessen
IP Opportunity for EAC members, presenters, stakeholders and observers to participate in discussion on highly variable drug issues.
11 10 mins
3:45 - 3:55
Open Discussion on BB Priorities
moderated by Dr. J. Thiessen
IS Opportunity for observers and stakeholders to participate in discussion on other BB priorities from list posted on HC Website.
12 5 mins
3:55 - 4:00
Adjournment of day 1, brief comments regarding day 2
Dr. J. Thiessen
IS Thanks to presenters and stakeholders and comments on what the EAC members will attempt to do on day 2.

Presentation times indicated are to be used as a guide and are approximate.


PLACE: Lord Elgin Hotel, Pearson Room
DATE: June 27th, 2003

Start: 8:30 a.m. End: 4:00 p.m.

13 10 mins
8:30 - 8:40
Change of Name from Expert Advisory Committee to Scientific Advisory Committee
Dr. C. Pereira
IP Rationale behind this change, and its implications. Approval of amended TOR.
14 80 mins
8:40 - 10:00
Requirements for Food Effect Studies
Dr. J. Thiessen
IP Discussion and deliberation stemming from presentations on day 1.
15 15mins
10:00 - 10:15
Coffee Break    
16 90mins
10:15 - 11:45
Requirements for Food Effect Studies
Dr. J. Thiessen
IP Recommendations for finalization of draft policy.
17 60mins
11:45 - 12:45
18 75mins
12:45 - 2:00
Highly Variable Drugs
Dr. J. Thiessen
IP Discussion and deliberation stemming from presentations on day 1.
19 15mins
2:00 - 2:15
Coffee Break    
20 75mins
2:15 - 3:30
Highly Variable Drugs
Dr. J. Thiessen
IP Recommendations for finalization of draft policy.
21 15mins
3:30 - 3:45
Future Agenda Item Proposals
Dr. J. Thiessen
IP General discussion by members and HC regarding priorities that should be discussed at next meeting.
22 10mins
3:45 - 3:55
Workshop Format
Dr. J. Thiessen
IS General discussion by members about workshop format...comments what went well, what needs improvement.
23 5mins
3:55 - 4:00
Dr. J. Thiessen
IS Scheduling of next meeting.

* Type
IS = Information Sharing Agenda Item: FYI items, no discussion, straightforward information giving, clarification questions are appropriate.
IP = Information Processing Agenda Items: Topics requiring discussion/debate, analysis, action planning, and/or decision making.


Last Updated: 2003-06-26 Top