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Environment and Workplace Health

Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee On Drinking Water Thirty-Fifth Meeting October 27-29, 2004 Ottawa, Ontario

5.0 Old/New Business

5.01 Drinking Water Databases (1998-04)

An update was given on the electronic management system (EMS), including a health related module, data standards, and indicators of potential health concerns. It was noted that the system will track precursors to health events rather than “after the fact” information.


  • CDW members to provide comments on EMS by January 2005
  • Secretariat to organize a live demonstration of the EMS database for the next meeting

5.02 Guidance Documents - Source to Tap (2001-06)

It was noted that the Source to Tap document was released in June, and is available on-line. Health Canada is working with Canadian Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA) to develop a Source to Tap implementation guide at the federal level, see also Item 5.14.


  • Nil. Item moved to Secretariat report.

5.03 Guidance Documents - InfraGuide (2001-06)

It was noted that the technical committee for the InfraGuide is looking at how to obtain support for the use of the guide by the provinces and territories. Members noted potential conflicts between the Guide and provincial regulations and that presentations at conferences might be a way to get the information out.


  • CDW suggested that any request to support of the guide should be sent to the Provinces & Territories directly from InfraGuide
  • Secretary to share CDW contact information with the InfraGuide
  • Secretary to provide relevant links to draft consultation documents to CDW members for information and review

5.04 ISO Standard (2001-10)

A meeting is scheduled for January to finalize the draft ISO standard for review by the participating nations.


  • D.Ellison to distribute draft ISO documents to CDW members for review when they are posted on the CWWA website

5.05 Lead in drinking water (2004-10)

It was noted that the drinking water guideline for lead is based on neurotoxicity in embryos, infants, and pregnant women. Public Works and Government Services and CWWA are asking whether there is a real risk to adults in office buildings with old plumbing and high lead levels. Members noted that this opens up a whole other issue with guideline development, i.e. for all guidelines that are based on specific populations. It was noted that legal issues arise when there are different guidelines for different groups of people. There are ways for each jurisdiction to manage their water as long as the supporting documentation for the guidelines are clear about what the guidelines are based on.


  • CDW advised against having dual lead guideline levels, but to have only one health value and suggested to make health information more transparent in guideline documents

5.06 Pharmaceuticals in Water (2001-10)

It was noted that the pharmaceuticals study article has been accepted for publication by a journal but the actual publication date is unknown. An update was given on a second study being conducted by the Windsor Utilities Commission and on an international pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PCPs) conference. It was noted that the lack of an accepted methodology could be a limiting factor for developing a guideline.


  • Secretariat to send members a list of the pharmaceuticals and PCPs that are being studied in order for the provinces and territories to begin collecting data

5.07 Fluoride Litigation (2001-06)

An update was given on the status of the fluoride litigation, which is now over. It was noted that the CDW may want to review new science which may affect the optimal range (not the MAC, which should stay the same). It was noted that the food basket study should still be considered in order to determine exposure to fluoride.


  • Nil. Item dropped.

5.08 CCME - Soil Quality Guidelines (2003-04)

An update was given on the issue of using drinking water guideline values as part of the calculation to determine the soil quality guidelines.


  • Secretariat to work with D. Spry and T. Nason, chair of Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment’s Soil Quality Guidelines Task Group, to determine the best way to provide the value and find a name for the drinking water values to be used in the calculations to derive soil quality guidelines

5.09 Non-Potable Water Use (2003-10)

It was noted that CHE has approved the work on developing guidelines for non-potable water use. An update was given on the development of plumbing and treatment standards related to this issue. Members discussed whether these standards will be harmonised with the aspects of the plumbing code that deal with raw water/non-treated water use; concerns with the use of a blanket term of “non-potable” water; concerns about cross connections; and whether the review will look at whether there have been outbreaks in locations where there are grey-water systems in place. It was noted that CHE raised the issue of needing to look at related air quality issues.


  • Nil

5.10 Aluminum Study (2003-04)

An update was given on the University of Ottawa's aluminum study.


  • Nil

5.11 CDW Logo (2004-04)

It was noted that the Secretariat has been focusing on guideline development but will report back with more information later, especially before publishing any more joint documents with other organizations.


  • Nil

5.12 Research Priorities (2004-04)

It was noted that the priority-setting exercise is still at an early stage but the Secretariat will keep the committee informed through the Secretariat reports.


  • Nil. Item moved to Secretariat reports

5.13 Guideline Process (2004-10)

The Chair gave members an update on the status of the evolving guideline development process, including a meeting held in Ottawa on June 20 between himself, the Vice-Chair and the Secretariat. The Chair then gave a review of what was discussed at a meeting of the provincial and territorial members, which took place prior to the full CDW meeting. Members discussed the need for more support for monitoring programs. Members reviewed the recommendations in the agenda package for improving the guideline process as well as the handout on tracking work on parameters.


  • Secretariat to look for funding/programs that would help the provinces/territories with monitoring, including making a recommendation or request to CHE
  • Secretariat to change the recommendation on document distribution and timing to indicate that members need firm dates for document reviews and consultations
  • Secretariat to look into options for consultation participants to post their comments directly on the Health Canada website
  • Secretariat to look into developing a secure website for CDW use
  • The Secretariat to work with B.Boettger and J.MacDonald and look into the issue of drinking water allocation factors and report back to the CDW by January 2005
  • Secretariat to develop CDW binders for each member by fall 2006
  • Secretariat to remove the old guideline development process document from the website and post a shorter interim document until the full updated version is ready
  • Members to provide comments on the handout for tracking assessments of parameters by December 1, 2004

5.14 Bonn Charter (2004-04)

An update was given on the Bonn Charter. A draft document is being developed to explain to water suppliers how they can apply Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) to their services. Members discussed the possibility of hosting a workshop for water utility representatives on how to apply HACCP to Canadian water systems. It was noted that CWWA has a contract with Health Canada to develop a document which explains how HACCP could be applied to Canadian drinking water supplies. A workshop will be held in February to go through the draft CWWA document and provide feedback.


  • D.Ellison will provide a copy of the Bonn Charter to the Secretary for distribution to members
  • D.Ellison to provide Secretary with copies of HACCP case studies for distribution to members
  • At the next meeting, CDW to consider hosting a HACCP workshop in fall 2005

5.15 FPT Food Safety (2004-10)

An update was given on the FPT Food Safety Committee. Members discussed what sort of information from CDW might be useful to that group.


  • Nil

5.16 NS Radionuclide Test Program (2004-04)

A presentation was given on Lead 210 and radon in drinking water in Nova Scotia. Members asked about changes in risk perception, the volatility of radon, the concentrations of radon in indoor air and the relationship(s) with showering and drinking water. The Secretary noted that the treatment section of the radiological document is being finalized prior to being distributed to members for comments.


  • Secretariat to complete the revised radiological guideline consultation document and submit to CDW for review

5.17 National Waterborne Contamination and Illness Response Protocol (2004-10)

A presentation was given on this protocol to address waterborne threats and other contamination events being developed by a federal government interdepartmental working group and water committee.


  • Members agreed to support this process
Last Updated: 2004-10-01 Top