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Environment and Workplace Health

Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee On Drinking Water Thirty-Fifth Meeting October 27-29, 2004 Ottawa, Ontario

4.0 Parameters: Chemical & Radiological

4.01 Arsenic

The proposed arsenic guideline and supporting document will be up on the website for consultation soon.


  • The consultation period for the proposed arsenic guideline will be 6 months.
  • The Secretariat will notify members as soon as firm consultation dates are known.

4.02 Chloral Hydrate

The Secretariat noted that the proposed guideline document is being shortened and that the consultation process should start in January 2005.


  • Secretariat to send members final consultation document in December with details about the timing for the consultation.
  • A firm date for the start of the consultation will be sent to member with at least one week's notice prior to posting

4.03 Chlorine

A presentation on Health Canada's preliminary health assessment of chlorine in drinking water was given. Members discussed risks for chlorine as for a health problem, the fate of chlorine in the human body, chlorine residual, other disinfectants, where the chlorine should be measured in the system and ways for consumers could remove chlorine at the tap. Members agreed that it would be satisfactory for the document to give a typical, rather than optimal, operational range of chlorine in the water system. Members agreed that a supporting document should be developed that has no guideline number but that describes the methodology for monitoring chlorine and approved methods for testing.


  • Secretariat to develop a guideline document with no number
  • Secretariat to ensure the guideline document takes into account members' suggestions

4.04 Chlorite/Chlorate

A draft consultation package should be ready in November for members' review, comment, consideration of approval, and paragraphs about the costs of implementing the proposed guideline in their jurisdiction.


  • Secretariat to send members the draft consultation document in November for their review to determine whether more CDW discussion is needed prior to it going out for public consultation.
  • Members to review the draft document and provide their cost paragraphs related to implementing the proposed guideline.

4.05 Corrosion Control

A presentation was given on Health Canada's current work on the corrosion control guideline document. Members discussed the effect of temperature on corrosion, the number of sampling locations needed for residential sampling, the affect of some corrosion inhibitors, the derivation of the population numbers for the sampling protocol, sampling for schools and day cares, the implementation of the guideline and the effect of concrete on corrosion. It was noted that this guideline is based on operational concerns, not health. Members discussed the need to clarify the situations in which the guideline will be applicable. Members agreed the document should discuss the impact of construction materials on corrosion and should link to other guideline documents. Members agreed that the outline of the proposed guideline meets the CDW's needs.


  • Secretariat to follow-up with City of Winnipeg consultants who are willing to review the draft document
  • Secretariat to include considerations related to construction materials in the guideline document and reference appropriate existing guidelines
  • CDW to wait until the guideline document is drafted before deciding whether to develop a Water Talk

4.06 Dichlorprop

A presentation was given on the development of the assessment of dichlorprop in drinking water. Members discussed surveys, type of documents needed and Canadian exposure to the pesticide. It was noted that the World Health Organization has material available for background information. Members suggested holding off on drafting a guideline until there is more data and agreed to not pursue a guideline if exposure is low.


  • Secretariat to follow-up with Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) to determine how much dichlorprop is used or sold in Canada and what its registered use (commercial / residential applications)
  • Secretariat to hold-off developing a guideline until CDW reviews the exposure levels

4.07 Haloacetic Acids (HAAs)

An overview was given about the considerations for developing an HAAs guideline. The draft document has been peer reviewed. Members discussed the achievability of proposed guideline(s), exposure data, small systems, precursors, proportions of HAAs with one another, the WHO guideline, laboratory capabilities and the basis for the HAAs guideline (e.g., total or individual values). It was noted that NSF International will be looking at developing a standard for HAA removal at a residential scale. For the guideline, it was noted that the treatment would need to be achievable and practical.


  • Secretariat to summarize the ability of various types of treatment technology to achieve the proposed guideline
  • Members agreed to pursue one guideline for total HAAs (5) based on treatment achievability
  • The document will go through another round of peer review for treatment

4.08 Haloacetic Nitriles (HANs)

A presentation was given on the status of the review of Halocentriles (HANs). Members discussed the acute effects and current exposure levels. Members agreed that because anticipated exposure levels are lower than a guideline would be, current exposure should be reviewed prior to continuing with guideline development.


  • Secretariat to collect exposure data for CDW review, to determine whether a guideline is necessary

4.09 MCPA

A presentation was given on the status of the review of MCPA. Members discussed the methods for an Environment Canada survey of MCPA, the allocation factor and other routes of exposure.


  • Members agreed to pursue a health-based guideline for MCPA
  • Members to provide exposure data (including raw water) to the Secretariat
  • Secretariat to provide members with the rationale for using a 10% allocation factor for pesticides in drinking water
  • Allocation factors to be discussed at the next CDW meeting

4.10 MTBE

The Secretary noted that the document is being finalised and should be going out for consultation early in the new year.


  • Secretariat to finalise the MTBE document and send it to members for review and approval for consultation in January 2005
  • Members to provide paragraphs on cost implications of the guideline for inclusion in the consultation document

4.11 Potassium

An update was given on the assessment of potassium in drinking water. Members discussed potassium-based water softeners, the by-pass for drinking water, communication materials for medical practitioners and documents for inspectors and regulators. It was noted that a Water Talk on water softeners would be a good idea. Members agreed to pursue a supporting document with no number and then look at developing a technical Water Talk later.


  • Members agreed to pursue a supporting document with no guideline value
  • Secretariat to provide website links to factsheet on water softeners developed by Health Canada and CMHC

4.12 Radiological Parameters

Discussed under item 5.16


  • See item 5.16

4.13 Trichloroethylene (TCE)

Members discussed concerns with the TCE guideline which need to be addressed before it can be sent to the CHE for approval. Review of the document and equivalencies and allocation factors in the document were discussed. It was agreed that all concerns raised by CDW (& CHE) members need to be addressed and shared with all CDW members prior to submission to CHE.


  • Secretariat to address concerns raised and provide documentation to CDW members (i.e., concerns and responses)
  • If responses address concerns and no changes are required, the document will go to CHE for approval

4.14 Trihalomethanes - CDBPs Project

The THMs guideline document is undergoing consultations until January 7, 2005.


  • Nil

4.15 Turbidity

The turbidity guideline was approved by CHE.


  • Nil. Item dropped.
Last Updated: 2004-10-01 Top