Canadian Operational Support Command (CANOSCOM)

Background Information

Canadian Operational Support Command

The recent transformation within the Canadian Forces (CF) resulted in the creation of three new operational commands: Canada Command (Canada COM)Canada COM is responsible for all joint military operations in Canada and North America., Canadian Expeditionary Force Command (CEFCOM)CEFCOM is responsible for all Canadian Forces international operations, with the exception of operations conducted solely by the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command., Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM)CANSOFCOM is responsible for all Special Forces operations that respond to terrorism and threats to Canadians and Canadian interests around the world.

From a support perspective, it was necessary to establish a single, integrated military organization capable of delivering effective and efficient operational support to the domestic and international missions of these three commands. For this reason, the Canadian Operational Support Command (CANOSCOM) was created.

On February 1, 2006, CANOSCOM assumed command of a number of operational support organizations including the Canadian Forces Joint Support Group, the CF Joint Signal Regiment and J4 Materiel/Director General Logistics. Since that time, J4 Mat/DG Log has been renamed the Canadian Materiel Support Group.

A truly joint and interoperable organization, CANOSCOM is designed to work closely in support of the three operational commands. By uniting all its operational support organizations under one roof, the CF can quickly and effectively achieve relevant and responsive support to missions both at home and abroad.


To achieve its mission, CANOSCOM has three primary roles in support of the new operational Commands:

Organizations under CANOSCOM

Canadian Forces Joint Support Group: CFJSG is a rapidly deployable formation that arranges and provides operational-level support to CF domestic and international operations. CFJSG will also be able to co-operate with coalition partners and host nations, thereby relieving our tactical units of support-related tasks.

Canadian Forces Joint Signal Regiment: CFJSR provides close signal support and general communications and information systems capabilities for international and domestic contingency operations. This is accomplished through a rapidly deployable National Command, Control and Information System that is equipped with the infrastructure (i.e. line, cable and microwave capabilities) to sustain operations in an active theatre.

Canadian Materiel Support Group: CMSG co-ordinates national-level logistics support to CF operations and provides the focal point for materiel and operational logistics support of Canada's current and projected defence commitments.