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Strategic Issues

Naval Update Dec 06


Naval Operations

Recently, the frigate HMCS FREDERICTON supported the RCMP off the west coast of Africa in a counter-drug operation that captured 23 tons of illegal cargo, worth a quarter of a billion (yes, billion) dollars, bound for a gang in the East-end of Montreal.  This operation had an impact on security and public safety here at home in Canada while the operation itself took place on the other side of the Atlantic, in the Gulf of Guinea.  This wouldn't have been attempted by the RCMP without the assurance provided by
FREDERICTON's ability to operate unseen, as well as her ability to apply overwhelming force at a moment's notice, had that been needed by the RCMP to back up them up.

Although these actions occurred at a great distance from our shores, the actions that were taken contributed to the security of Canadians directly, while also interdicting a drug smuggling chain that likely began in the poppy fields of Afghanistan.

The fact that domestic international maritime security can be provided at great distance from Canada is also why HMCS OTTAWA is deployed to the Arabian Sea as part of a coalition force.  OTTAWA is the twentieth ship to be deployed to the region since 9/11, initially under Op Apollo, which is now called Op Altair.  OTTAWA is there to underscore Canada's enduring interests in the region; to interdict those who would use the seas for unlawful purposes, including terrorists; to further Canada's objectives in preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; to reassure regional friends and security partners and deter those who would act against our interests; and to prepare for eventual follow-on operations, should deterrence fail.

The importance of maritime security operations in distant waters is why HMCS IROQUOIS is in the Mediterranean as flagship of NATO's premier rapid response Maritime Group, currently engaged in counterterrorism and counter-proliferation operations, under the NATO Alliance's Operation Active Endeavour.  It is also the lead maritime element of the NATO Response Force (NRF) that was declared to have reached Full Operational Capability (FOC) at the recent summit in Riga.  For the last nine months, that group has been commanded by a Canadian, Commodore Denis Rouleau, a testament to the fact that Canada is recognized by navies, both large and small, for its capacity to exercise international leadership at sea.

During the past summer, Canadian ships and aircraft based on the West Coast participated in Exercise Rim of the Pacific (Ex RIMPAC), the world's largest maritime biennial exercise, with eight nations participating. Of note, Commodore Bruce Donaldson was the Deputy Commander of the Combined RIMPAC Task Force. 

And the month prior to heading to Ex RIMPAC, Commodore Donaldson led the Canadian Exercise Trident Fury off of Canada's West Coast.  More recently, our West Coast Task Group just completed working with an American Carrier Group, as the latter prepares for a major operational deployment in the coming months.

And finally off North Carolina, during a recent weekend in the middle of
November, the Canadian Forces completed a tactical trial to examine a concept of operations for a possible future Canadian sea-based expeditionary capability.  This experiment also involved a Canadian and an American naval task group, under Canadian leadership, as well as key Canadian Army and Air Force components.  The Task Group ships worked to keep the force safe from the type of threats Canada expects to encounter in the future's contested littoral waters around the world, an environment which the recent successful missile attack by Hezbollah against the Israeli frigate back in July served
to illustrate with dramatic and deadly effect.


The work of our men and women in Afghanistan certainly fill those of us in uniform with pride and humility on a daily basis.  Pride in their skills, regardless of their occupation, certainly pride in the effectiveness of our army in a highly complex and continually evolving situation with a tenacious adversary.  And humility in the face of selfless acts of courage, and also in their determination to see the mission through.

Afghanistan shows us just how complex our modern military operations have become. You will all be aware from the information in the Canadian media of the demands the CF commitment to Afghanistan represents.  Your navy has contributed to the effort, and it will continue to do so.  We have seen naval officers, both regular and reserve, contribute to the Canadian Strategic Advisory Team.  This team has been instrumental in Kabul by
helping the Afghan government, and was established under the direction of Gen Hillier, at the request of Afghan President Karzai, to bring to the Government of Afghanistan two main areas of expertise: strategic planning and capacity building.  This team works directly with the central government of Afghanistan.  The Navy has also sent staff to the U.S.-led Combined Forces Command in Afghanistan to assist in the transition between American forces and NATO forces that occurred earlier this year.  Commander Agnew
recently returned from a deployment to this HQ as Deputy Director of Strategic Effects. We've deployed a wide variety of personnel - military policemen, medical personnel, cargo movement specialists, drivers, supply techs, and so on - into the country, and we sent others to Wainwright to contribute to the training that is ongoing there.  Perhaps most importantly, we have also dispatched our specially skilled naval clearance divers to the critical function of defeating improvised explosive devices in theatre.


In conclusion, at the end of November, we had over 2,600 sailors, air personnel and some soldiers at sea simultaneously in the Pacific, Atlantic, Mediterranean and Arabian Sea. Many will be remaining at sea conducting their missions over the coming months.  I think you can all see that the programme of exercises and operations over the last few months is a measure of our ability to make an ongoing contribution to international maritime security, and thus ultimately for Canadian security.  The Navy can certainly provide credible options for potential contingencies worldwide, including, as an integral part of joint CF operations in the littoral, if needed.

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