
Canadian Forces Electronic Warfare Centre (CFEWC)


Canadian Forces Electronic Warfare CentreThe Canadian Forces Electronic Warfare Centre (CFEWC) exists to deliver comprehensive EW support to CF military operations. CFEWC is endeavouring to be the expert authority on technical EW matters within the Canadian Forces. In 1990, the Electronic Warfare Operational Support Centre (EWOSC) project was initiated with the intent of consolidating operational, intelligence and engineering support to the CF EW community. Under the initial phase of the EWOSC project (IEWOSC), a centralized CF EW database was created, the environmental integrated support stations were established, EW threat analysis was begun and a common logistics and administrative support cell was stood up. The Canadian Forces Electronic Warfare Centre (CFEWC) was established to encompass these capabilities within facilities constructed at the Communication Research Canada (CRC) - Shirley’s Bay Campus. The initial construction was completed in 1994.


CFEWC is mandated with the maintenance and development of the CF Electronic Warfare Database (CFEWDB). This relational database contains an extensive repository of radar parametric data on a multitude of air, land, and sea platforms and their associated weapon systems. Parametric production is prioritized on environmental requirements from the Integrated Support Stations (ISS’s), Non-Parametric production is prioritized upon the Canadian Expeditionary Force Command (CEFCOM) areas of operation. Potential data use includes the production of user-specific databases, contribution to technical Intelligence equipment, threat libraries, EW research and development efforts. It is designed for use by the CF community at large as a single-source reference on EW-related matters.

The unit conducts its business in a joint manner and delivers its support to the operational environment through the Naval EW Centre (NEWC), the Land Integrated Support Station (LISS), and the Air element’s CF Air Warfare Center (CFAWC) EW Operational Support Section which are housed and administered on site. Although CFEWC provides Core Administrative and Computer support to the Integrated Support Stations (ISS’s), they are operationally responsive to their respective Environmental Commanders. The CFEWC reports directly to the Canadian Forces Information Operations Group (CFIOG). CFEWC is also the CF POC for modification and distribution of international EW DB’s, such as the NATO RNEDB and US ELINT Parameters Limits List (EPL).

The Unit

The organization of the CFEWC consists of Operations, Threat Analysis, Administration, Computer Support, Software Development, Security and Infrastructure.

The Operations Section’s primary role is the provision of comprehensive EW support to CF operations. CFEWC Ops is divided into 5 sections: Intelligence, ELINT Analysis (EA), Parametric Production, Non-Para Production, DB Quality Assurance (QA) and EW Operational Support (EWOS). The Intelligence cell supports all sections with intelligence data and analysis. The EWOS cell generates, maintains and supports CFEWC’s deployed team. The Parametric cell builds emitters in the CFEWDB. The Non-Parametric cell builds platforms in the CFEWDB. QA ensures all entries into the CFEWDB are accurate, well written and IAW SOP’s. The EA cell verifies CF collected data, and conducts second line analysis on signals and platforms of interest for CSE.

The Threat Analysis Section delivers EW support to CF military operations by conducting Operational Test and Evaluations (OT&E;) that support battlefield requirements. OT&E; involves the characterization of threat platforms or the vulnerability analysis of friendly platforms.

The Computer Support/software development section provides core computer support to CFEWC and to the Integrated Support Stations. It also provides management of the activities of the software development contractor as well as the internal software development in support of the CFEWCDB and its application software.

The Administration section is to provide core administrative support to the CFEWC and the three Environmental Integrated Support Stations co-located with CFEWC. The Admin section also provides the interface with the management of CRC for Facilities management and site services.

Mission Statement

Provide comprehensive strategic and operational level EW/ELINT support to the CF.

Vision Statement

As a joint facility, CFEWC will be the expert authority on technical EW matters within the Canadian Forces and will leverage our capabilities to become a dependable and productive partner within the international military EW community.


CFEWC is located in Building 91 of the Communication Research Council (CRC) Campus at 3701 Carling Avenue, in the west end of Ottawa. We are also home to the Land Integrated Support Station (LISS), the Naval EW Centre (NEWC) and Air Force EW Operational Support (EWOS).