Communication Reserve


Communication Reserve Headquarters


Supply Technician

What they do

Communication Reserve Supply Technicians are responsible for ensuring that all supplies necessary for Canadian Forces (CF) operations are available when and where they are required. The diverse materiel they handle includes food, fuel, heavy machinery, stationery and clothing. Purchasing, warehousing, shipping, receiving and stock control are all functions of this occupation. Supply technicians have the following duties:

Qualifications Requirements

Supply Technicians must possess initiative and the ability to organize and work independently. They must have at least average physical strength and stamina. Accuracy and attention to detail are necessary, clerical ability is desired, and an interest in computer operations and systems will also be an advantage. Adaptability and interest in a variety of tasks are essential attributes.


Basic Military Qualification

The first stage of training for all members of the Communication Reserve is a 4-week Basic Military Qualification (BMQ) course. This course is conducted full-time during the summer at the Communication Reserve School in Shilo Manitoba. This training provides the basic core skills and knowledge common to all trades, and is physically demanding. This course covers the following topics:

Soldier Qualification

On successful completion of BMQ, Communication Reserve soldiers must complete the 4-week Soldier Qualification (SQ) course held at the Communication Reserve School in Shilo, Manitoba. The course covers the following topics:

Basic Military Occupational Training

On completion of SQ, Supply Technicians attend basic military occupation training at the Canadian Forces School of Administration and Logistics (CFSAL) in Borden, Ontario. Training takes approximately 25 days and includes:

Advanced and Speciality Training

Personnel who demonstrate the required ability and ambition will undertake advanced Supply Technician training through formal course or on-the-job training as they progress in their careers. Speciality training is also available to qualified personnel. Below are examples of specialty and advanced training available to Supply Technicians:

Advanced Training Courses

Speciality Training Courses

Working Environment

Communication Reserve Supply Technicians work in a variety of environments. They usually work in garrison, in comfortable offices, storerooms or warehouses. When employed in operational or forward supply installations, personnel may be exposed to adverse climatic and environmental conditions and are subject to the same living and working conditions as combat personnel. Supply Technicians may be subject to long periods of standing and physical exertion when handling supplies. They may also be exposed to toxic or dangerous materials.

Reserve Supply Technicians work approximately one to two evenings a week and up to two weekends a month at their local unit. Once trained there are opportunities for full time employment with the Canadian Forces, either in Canada or deployed overseas, such as with an United Nations operation.

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