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Doctrinal Leadership Manuals:

Leadership in the Canadian Forces: Conceptual Foundations & Leadership in the Canadian Forces: Doctrine

CFLI recently completed the above two manuals. These publications are keystone documents that provide experienced leaders at all rank levels with a broad conceptual understanding of military leadership and also with an overview of the necessary requirements for effective leadership in the CF. As such, these manuals serve as guiding documents and as single-source instructional references for leadership education for both officers and Non-Commissioned Members.

Status: Complete.

To be promulgated in April 2005.

Leadership in the Canadian Forces: Conceptual Foundations

Leadership in the Canadian Forces: Doctrine

Applied Leadership Manuals:

Leading People & Leading the Institution

CFLI is currently in the process of developing these subordinate "applied" leadership manuals. Whereas the two completed manuals provide a doctrinal and theoretical foundation for leadership, these follow-on manuals represent a more "hands-on" and practical approach to leadership that is directed toward junior to mid-rank strata (i.e. junior NCM to Major / Lieutenant-Colonel) for the former and more senior leadership (i.e. Chief Warrant Officer / Lieutenant-Colonel / Colonel to General) for the latter. All manuals will shortly undergo a comprehensive "stakeholder" review process and will ultimately receive approval from Armed Forces Council prior to publication.

Status: In Progress.

To be promulgated to DND "stakeholders" by summer / fall 2005.

Strategic Leadership Writing Project

CFLI is committed to knowledge creation, and as such, is currently involved in a multi-year initiative that aspires to collect, analyze, synthesize and disseminate insights and experiences in regards to Canadian operational leadership with the aim of producing a body of operational Canadian leadership knowledge for CF educational, training, and professional development institutions, as well as for increased public awareness. All such material is being compiled through the contributions of serving and retired military personnel, academics, researchers, professional writers and CFLI staff. The first volume of this massive collection, Professional Ideology and the Profession of Arms in Canada , will be promulgated in April 2005.

Status: Ongoing.

One volume to be promulgated approximately every six to nine months.

The Canadian Forces Leader Framework & The Canadian Forces Leader Development Framework

CFLI is currently refining and disseminating the Canadian Forces Leader Framework that describes the five requisite elements for effective leadership in today's complex environment. The leader elements - Expertise, Cognitive Capacities, Social Capacities, Change Capacities and Professional Ideology - are expected to be incorporated into a progressive and robust professional development process, with the end result being the creation of a much larger framework, the Leader Development Framework, that has the potential to impact numerous Human Resources policies and programs throughout the CF.

Status: Ongoing.

Leadership Lessons Learned

Being responsible for the In Harm's Way book series, a component of the Strategic Leadership Writing Project, the Leadership Lessons Learned Section is currently soliciting CF participants to contribute articles on leadership within the context of major CF operations. The Section has also commenced feedback interviews with senior CF members who have participated in recent operations with the aim of gaining a greater understanding of a number of relevant and emerging leadership issues and trends. The cumulative results of these interviews, along with the articles received by CF members, will be published periodically.

Status: Ongoing.

Aboriginal Culture and Leadership Project

This project seeks to understand the cultural barriers to increased aboriginal participation in the profession of arms by (1) subjecting the CF professional construct to critical scrutiny from various Aboriginal perspectives, (2) identifying what Aboriginals must sacrifice in order to join or progress in the profession, (3) determining whether these sacrifices are in fact necessary, (4) evaluating the impact of mandatory sacrifices, and (5) addressing the role of institutional leadership in transforming the profession to promote greater representation and retention while respecting the culture of individual members. This process will add to the growing body of literature on aboriginal soldiers and will help advance efforts to build a general conceptual framework to understand and promote diversity within the CF.

Status: Ongoing.

A monograph concerning the conceptual framework, as described above, is due to be promulgated in Spring 2005, while an edited volume of collected papers is due to be promulgated sometime in 2006.

Outreach Programme

CFLI is extremely conscious of the need to establish reciprocal relationships with various internal and external audiences such as civilian universities, other government departments, foreign militaries and non-governmental organizations, and to this end, a robust programme of workshops and conferences that will facilitate the free exchange of information is under development.

Status: Ongoing.

Educational Tools

CFLI is currently in the process of creating three inspiration DVDs that will be used for professional development. These educational resources will be widely distributed across the CF and will be shown wherever and whenever they are deemed appropriate. Titles in this collection include:

Leadership .

The Profession of Arms in Canada .

Status: Ongoing.

To be promulgated in May 2005.

Ethics .

Status: Ongoing.

To be promulgated in May 2005.


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