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Differentiated Leader Roles, Responsibilities and Competencies

Purpose: Develop detailed model/description of how leadership differs across the CF starting with the distinctions of Leading People and Leading the Institution.

Outputs: Two subordinate manuals (People and Institution) to guide PD and other HR programs, and supporting documents detailing the model and key components.

Adams-Roy, J.E. (2002). The role of the lawful order in military leadership: Necessary but insufficient, or insufficient but necessary? (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR01-0147). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Ahronson, A., & Eberman, C. (2002). Understanding leadership and teams in the military context . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR01-0079). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Ankersen, C. (2002). Leading individuals and collectives: Perspectives and challenges . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR01-0100). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Ashkanasy, N.M., & Dasborough, M.T. (2003). Emotional processes in military leadership . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR02-0617). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Bécotte, K. (2002). Les styles de leadership et la rétention du personnel dans les Forces armées canadiennes . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR02-0032). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Coombs, H. (2003). Dimensions of military leadership: The Kinmel Park Mutiny of March 4/5, 1919 . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR02-0623). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Day, A., Newsome, S., & Catano, V.M., (2002). Emotional intelligence and leadership . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR01-0078). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

English, A. (2005) The Senior NCO Corps and Professionalism: Where do we Stand? (CFLI Contract Research Report # CR 04-0061)

Fitz-Gerald, A.M. & Neal, D.J. (n.y.). A strategic management framework for improved aid delivery . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR02-0008). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Kelloway, E.K., Kelley, E., & Weatherbee, T. (2003). Remote leadership . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR02-0606). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Korabik, K. (2002). Sub-group issues in military leadership . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR01-0077). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Lang, D. (2002). A mirror for leaders . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR01-0084). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Livingstone, H., Nadjiwon-Foster, M., & Smithers, S. (2002). Emotional intelligence and military leadership . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR01-0090). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Mahar, C., & Maher, T. (2003). Emergent leadership: Toward an empirically verifiable model . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR02-0615). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Mantle, C. (2004). The "Moral Economy" as a theoretical model to explain acts of protest in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1919 . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR04-0024). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Merz, E. (2002). Literature review: The impact of constitutional constraints and freedoms on military leadership functions . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR02-0023a). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Nadjiwon-Foster, M., Smithers, S. & Livingstone, H. (2002). Teamwork and military leadership . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR01-0103). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Newsome, S., Catano, V.M., & Day, A.L. (2003). Leader competencies: Proposing a research framework . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR02-0608). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Newsome, S., Day, A. & Catano, V.M. (2002). Leader assessment, evaluation and development . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR01-0094). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

O'Brien, J. (2003). "Free thinking in a large box" or bound and determined?: Senior officer decision-making in the Canadian Forces . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR02-0616). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Paquet, S., Hambley, L., & Kline, T. (2003). Strategic leadership competencies in the Canadian Forces . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR02-0604). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Parmar, L. & Parmar, D.S. (2002). Operation Sadbhavana: A culture of peace process in Kashmir . Paper presented at Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces & Society (Challenge and Change for the military institution, the military profession, and military leadership in the 21 st century). Kingston, ON.

Pfeifer, J. & Owens, K.M.B. (2002). Military leadership and ethics . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR01-0092). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Pike, H., Hills, A., & MacLennan, R. (2002). Personality and military leadership . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR01-0099). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Ram, S. & Mau, T.A. (2003). The nature of the civil-military relationship in Canada and its impact on the leadership role of the officer corps . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR02-0601). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Ruddock, J. & Peckan, L. (2002). Change, vision and leadership: Surviving RMA . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR02-0006). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Schultz, A., Nasmyth, G., & Williams, T. (2003). Thinking styles and the impact on military leadership practices . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR02-0618). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Smithers, S., Livingstone, H. & Nadjiwon-Foster, M. (2002). Personality and military leadership . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR01-0103). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Stinson, V., Day, A., Cameron, J. & Catano, V. (2002). Précis: Subgroup issues and leadership . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR01-0101). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Walker, B. (2004). Requisite leader attributes for the Canadian Forces . (CFLI Discussion Paper). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.

Wild, Bill. (2002). Understanding mentoring: Implications for the Canadian Forces . (CFLI Contract Research Report #CR01-0091). Kingston, ON: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute.



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