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JRCC Halifax


SAR Resources

CH-149 Cormorant

The CH-149 Cormorant has three powerful engines, long-range capability and a large cargo area. Its ice protection system, allowing it to operate in continuous icing conditions, and its ability to withstand high winds, make it ideal for Canada's demanding geography and climate.

Offering ample and versatile cabin space with rear-ramp access, the Cormorant can carry 12 stretchers or a load of 5,000 kg. The Cormorant routinely conducts rescues that would have been impossible for it's predecessor, the CH-113 Labrador. In December, 2002, a Cormorant conducted a 1600 km round-trip medevac of an injured Norwegian sailor in winds of up to 130 km/hr, refueling twice at the Hibernia oil production platform. In January, 2003 another Cormorant crew rescued all 16 members of the crew of the Finnish cargo ship “Camilla” in a single flight.

Speed: 278 km/hr       Range: 1018 km

Operated in Halifax SRR by 14 Wing, Greenwood, N.S. & 9 Wing, Gander, Nfld.

Canadian Coast Guard Lifeboat

Coast Guard Lifeboats are operated out of stations around the Atlantic coast.  They are capable of high speeds and often operate in challenging weather conditions.  The crew consists of a commanding officer, two deck crew and a marine engineer.

Cruise Speed: 18 knots   Max. Speed: 20 knots
Cruising Range: 200 nautical miles

CC-130 Hercules

The CC-130 Hercules, operated by 413 Squadron in Greenwood, N.S., is an all-weather aircraft capable of operating throughout the Search and Rescue Region. The aircraft carries a crew of seven consisting of two Pilots, one  Flight Engineer, one Navigator, one Loadmaster and two Search and Rescue Technicians (SAR Techs).

Speed: 556 km/hr     Range: 3960 - 9790 km

Canadian Coast Guard Ships

The Canadian Coast Guard operates several large ships located throughout the JRCC Halifax SRR which are designated as primary SAR vessels.  These ships may be conducting operations in support of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, but will respond to SAR tasking if required.

CASARA (Civil Air Search & Rescue Association)

The Civil Air Search and Rescue Association, or CASARA (SERABEC in Quebec), is a Canada wide volunteer aviation association dedicated to the promotion of Aviation Safety, and to the provision of air search support services to the National Search and Rescue Program.

CCGA (Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary)
The Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary (CCGA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to Search and Rescue (SAR) and safe boating activities. Their mission is to provide search and rescue services to cover marine requirements in Canada.

Updated 2005-01-14

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