New/Nouveau Brunswick

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Artists in Schools

Artists-in-Schools Residency
The Artists-in-Schools Residency Program is designed to encourage students to express themselves and to take part in the creative process under the guidance and direction of New Brunswick's established artists. Professional artists or companies are invited to submit proposals for projects, which may include demonstrations or workshops in visual arts, music, theatre, dance, or multidisciplinary. One project is offered each year in each school district to students from kindergarten to grade 12.

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Artists-in-Schools Performance
The Artists-In-Schools Performance Program is designed to broaden and develop the arts education program by bringing together the creative potential of students and the unique energy of professional artists. The primary purpose of the performance program is to enhance students' powers of artistic perception and to increase their valuing of the arts.

These programs complement both the Cultural Policy and the mandate of the Department of Education by having the Province's professional artists work with the students in the public school system.

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