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CSTC Stats
Statistics Updating and Reporting System

--  User Guide  --

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Purpose
  3. Browser Requirements
  4. Definitions
  5. Security and Passwords
  6. Viewing and Editing Statistics
  7. Training Year Data
  8. Reports
  9. Printing

1. Introduction

The CSTC Stats Updating and Reporting System facilitates the management of information relating to DND Summer Training Camps. This system allows users to view the cadet statistics of individual centres for a selected training year, and also allows regional users and administrators to update sections of the current training year.

2. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to provide detailed information to the users of the CSTC Stats Updating and Reporting System. This document will guide users, in a step-by-step manner, through all aspects of updating, viewing and creating reports of training centre statistics using this application.

3. Browser Requirements

This application has been designed specifically to work with Internet Explorer 4 or higher, with a minimum screen resolution of 800x600 and 256 colours.

4. Definitions

Dates (Note): Dates must be in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY. The training year must be entered as YYYY.
Submit: Submits the request to the database and displays the selected table for the particular Training Centre (or UIC) and Training Year chosen.
Update: Saves the new or updated information to the database. Valid entries are a number or blank, unless otherwise indicated (e.g. dates, text). The Update option is accessible to Administrators and Regional Users only.
Cancel: Ends the update and displays the previously viewed page again. It does not save any changes to the database.
Reset: Returns all fields in the displayed form to their original value. It does not save any changes to the database.
Delete: Deletes the current database record (accessible to Administrators only).

5. Security and Passwords

There are 3 levels of security that allow or restrict access to the information in the database: Guests, Regional Users and Administrators.

Guests: Guests can view reports and quota information, but they cannot add, delete or change any of the information.
Regional Users: Regional Users can view all training year statistics and they can update statistics for the current training year, but only for Training Centres in their region.
Regional Users can view all training year statistics and they can update statistics for the current training year, but only for Training Centres in their region.
Administrator Administrators can view, update, add and delete statistics. Only administrators can add new users.

All persons accessing the database must enter a valid user name and password from the log-on screen in order to enter the system.

Only the administrator can add new users and assign user names.

After using an administrator assigned password to log-on for the first time, users must change this password to one that will be specific to their user name.

6. Viewing and Editing Statistics

After successfully completing the log-on with a correct user name and password, users can select an activity from the "Contents" list on the left side of the page. The activities available as a selection will be dependant on the security level of the user. The categories of activities to choose from include:

  • Administrator functions (accessible to Administrators only)
  • Editing Training Year Data (accessible to Regional Users and Administrators only)
  • Viewing Training Year Data (accessible to all users)
  • Generating Reports (accessible to all users)

7. Training Year Data

To edit course data first select a Training Centre. The administrator may optionally select a training year as well. Once a Training Centre has been chosen click on the Submit button.


Adding/Editing Courses

Select the Edit Courses link. The user will then be prompted to select a Training Centre as described above. A list of all the courses available at the selected Training Centre will be displayed. Clicking on the course number will allow the editing of that particular course. Use the New button to display a blank form for entering a new course.


Copy Courses to Next Year

This function is available to administrators only.
Once a Training Centre has been selected a list of courses available will be displayed.
Select the courses that will be offered next year by holding down the <Ctrl> key and clicking on the desired courses. Once this has been done click on the Next button.


Course dates will be incremented by one year and information pertaining to the quotas will be copied. There will be an opportunity to edit all of this information after the new courses have been created. The course number may also be changed at this time.

Edit Quotas

This form will allow users to edit the quota information for individual courses.
After selecting a Training Centre and year there will be a drop-down list of the courses available. Only quota information for one region is shown at a time. The region currently being displayed is highlighted. Click on any region name to see its data.
To remove a note from a course simply click on the note (the changes are not committed until the Update button is clicked).

The note toolbar allows the addition of new and existing notes and the removal of new notes before updating the database.
Note Toolbar
Add Existing Note Add a New Note Remove Selected Notes

To add an existing note click on the Add Note icon.  

Add Existing Note Add Note

This will cause a floating window to appear with all the available notes contained within it. Use the Up button  Up   to scroll the list up and the Down button  Down   to scroll the list down. To close the window use the Close button  Close

To add an new note click on the New Note icon.  

Add a New Note   New Note

A large textbox will appear where the note text can be added.
To remove any new notes that have been added check the box at the right of the note and then click on the Remove Note icon.  

Remove Selected Notes   Remove Note

This allows the removal of multiple notes at once.

Taken On Strength/Returned to Unit

These forms have the same functionality as the Edit Quotas form, except notes are not used in this form.

Material Requirements

After selecting the desired Training Centre a list of all the material requirements will be displayed. To add to the list click on the New button. This will generate a new set of text boxes for editing. Please be patient while the new text boxes are generated. To remove a new item check the box at the right and then click on the Remove button.


8. Reports

To view or print data reports, select the "Reports List" option from the Contents list on the left. Then choose a category and type of report from the selections.

Report Filters

Filters screen out unwanted data or break down the report into different formats.

Reports may be filtered by region, training centre and training year where applicable. Also, where it is possible there are two levels of detail. A detailed report will have information Training Centre grouped by region. A summary report will only have the totals for all regions combined.

Reports also have two formatting options; print and display. When the print option is selected the report will be generated without the coloured background and without the header and footer. After a report for printing has been genertated. The browser's print function must still be used.

9. Printing

To print a report select the "Print" option and then run the report as you would normally. This will display a page that has the background and surrounding images removed for printing purposes. You must then use the print function of the browser (either the menu option or the toolbar button) to send the report to the printer.

Reports have alternating lines of colours to make them easier to read. To make these lines print select the "View" option from the Internet Explorer menu. Then select "Internet Options..." and choose the "Advanced" tab. Scroll through the list until you reach the section on printing (pressing the <p> key a few times will jump you there). Check off the box that says "Print background colours and images".

When you have this option selected do not attempt to print a page that has not been set up to be printed. For example if the page has a background texture, like the help page you are viewing now, do not attempt to print it with the "Print background colours and images" option selected. Printing these pages with this option selected can cause the printer to crash and possibly your computer as well.

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