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2000 Index of articles

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13/00 – December

  • Look after people, invest in them and give them confidence in the future – ADM(HR-Mil) vision statement
  • CANFORGEN highlights 2000
  • Rent increase for single quarters
  • Correction
  • MOSART: Revising the MOS for the 21st Century
  • Amendments to Pension Act benefit still-serving CF members
  • New coverage for long-term disability
  • Monitor use of medication containing PPA
  • Funeral expense benefits increase

12/00 – December

  • General pay increases
  • Pay comparability in the Canadian Forces
  • Standard Monthly Pay Rates for 2000 Pay Raise
  • Revised Rates for Environmental Allowances
  • How many Incentive Pay Categories (IPCs) do you really want?
  • Important tax considerations for spouses of CF members departing Canada or living outside Canada
  • Reserve Force Pension Plan
  • CF Leave Policy
  • Pensioners Dental Services Plan
  • Helping members reunite with family
  • Travel policies revamped
  • IRPP duplication fixed
  • Non-duty travel discounts
  • Medically speaking: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
  • Privacy an important component in MFRC operations

11/00 – November

  • The new Directorate of History and Heritage
  • History and Archives – DHH 2
  • Canadian Forces Customs and Heritage – DHH 3
  • Application procedures for the Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal
  • Canadian Forces Museums – DHH 5
  • Heritage – DHH 6
  • The Canadian Forces Music Centre – DHH 7
  • War Diaries
  • Millenium Projects

10/00 – October

  • Quality of Life survey
  • Best-value means better-quality care
  • Military Family Identification cards
  • Medically speaking: Step One in the healing process – Diagnosis
  • Shaping up for PSP in-theatre
  • Safety of anthrax vaccine lot-020
  • CANFORGEN Highlights
  • Question Corner: PLD

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9/00 – September

  • Health & Lifestyle Survey 2000
  • Member Assistance Program provides support
  • Military Foreign Service – Regulations change
  • Mission rating forms
  • Former rate chart
  • Reminder to Canadian Forces members from Veterans Affairs Canada
  • Question Corner: Canadian Personnel Support Agency
  • Question Corner: Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal
  • Question Corner: Health Services
  • Question Corner: Post Living Differential
  • Question Corner: Promotions
  • Question Corner: DND/CF Surveys
  • Question Corner: Transition Assistance Program (TAP)

8/00 – August

  • Canadian Forces Recruiting, Education and Training System
  • What is the "T" in CFSTG?
  • Compassionate Travel Assistance (CTA)
  • Director Professional Development
  • Family Care Assistance (FCA)
  • How Recruiting Group supports the CF
  • Canadian Forces Recruiting Group
  • Changes afoot at the Royal Military College of Canada
  • A significant step forward
  • Post Living Differential (PLD)
  • Parental Benefits

7/00 – July

  • The Canadian Forces Streamlined Grievance Process
  • Canadian Forces Grievance Board matrix
  • Nipping conflict in the bud
  • CF Family Policy
  • Acting Pay – Acting Rank
  • To Your Health – Canada's Gulf War vaccine experience at odds with British findings
  • Contingency cost moves

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6/00 – June – Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

5/00 – May

  • The Military Human Resource Policy and Planning Division – A plan for the future
  • Our mission
  • Reviewing terms of service
  • Our organization and responsibilities
  • Directorate of Military Human Resource Requirements (DMHRR)
  • Employment Policy
  • The Human Rights Plan
  • Directorate of Military Gender Integration and Employment Equity (DMGIEE)
  • Directorate of Military Employment Policy (DMEP)
  • Welcome to the Directorate of Official Languages
  • Directorate of Human Resources Research and Evaluation
  • Distance Training and Education
  • Question Corner: Directorate of Recruiting, Education and Training
  • Everything you always wanted to know about the Junior Leader Course
  • Aboriginal Awareness Week
  • Depleted Uranium

4/00 – April

  • CANEX providing enhanced service
  • What's New in SISIP
  • Serving Those Who Serve
  • Staying Connected In The Far North – A Perspective From Canadian Forces Station Alert
  • The Mission Information Line – Connecting Families and Deployed Personnel
  • The Military Family – A Key Part Of The Equation
  • Couch potatoes read no further
  • It's Not All Work
  • Building A Better Future for the CF
  • Revitalizing the mess
  • Ensuring Excellence
  • Enhancing access to health care
  • IRPP benefits taxable
  • Information line answers health questions
  • New Quality of Life initiatives
  • Snapshots – quick snippets of HR-related news and updates...
  • Correction

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3/00 – March

  • Veterans Affairs Canada making a difference for Canadian Forces members and their families
  • Recent initiatives
  • New guidelines for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Steps to a VAC Disability Pension
  • Facts about VAC disability pensions
  • VAC health care services and benefits
  • DND and VAC – Partners in health claims processing
  • Changing client demographics
  • Video explains VAC programs and services
  • CCSA ensures personalized services
  • Atlantic Region's outreach activities related to CF clients
  • Quebec Region activities in support of Forces personnel
  • Ontario Region's Canadian Forces outreach activities
  • Prairie Region quality of life initiatives
  • Learning more about the Canadian Forces in Pacific Region

2/00 – February

  • Quality of Life
  • Family Disruption Assistance Plan
  • Family Support – Ongoing Initiatives
  • It's SPHL, not MPHL
  • Post Living Differential
  • Compensation and Benefits – Ongoing Initiatives
  • Priority/Preferential Hiring
  • Care of Injured – Ongoing Initiatives
  • Update on Universality of Service
  • Access to Amenities
  • Transitions – Ongoing Initiatives
  • Living Accommodations
  • Accommodation – Ongoing Initiatives
  • Question Corner: Accommodation Assistance Allowance

January special issue – Medical Services Update

  • The Report
  • Remarks by the CDS
  • It's the Law
  • The Diagnosis
  • The Command and Control Problem... and the Fix
  • Who's in Charge
  • Spectrum of Care
  • Anatomy of a Trade – the Preventive Medicine Technician
  • Is There a Doctor in the House?
  • Health of the medical services occupations and trades
  • Issues of particular note in the CRS Reports
  • CF 98
  • Initiatives Underway
  • Highlights of Changes to Come

1/00 – January

  • Universality of Service
  • Shop Talk – QOL One Year Later
  • Minister's message
  • Chief of the Defence Staff's message
  • CF Chief Warrant Officer's message
  • SCONDVA History
  • Completed SCONDVA Recommendations
  • The QOL Pillars
  • Question Corner: LTD vs. SISIP LTD
  • Via Rail – Special Travel Discounts
  • Compensation and Benefits
  • Accommodation
  • Care of Injured
  • Family Support
  • Transitions
  • Question Corner: Long-term disability

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