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A Christmas message

Lieutenant-General Christian Couture, Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Military)

As 2003 comes to a close, I would like to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and express my sincere gratitude for your hard work over the past 12 months.

This year has been highlighted by several significant successes. Approval was given for new lump-sum accidental dismemberment insurance for all CF members. Duty with Honour: The Profession of Arms in Canada was released with great pride. Bill C-37, which amends and modernizes the CF Superannuation Act, received Royal Assent. The stand-up of the CF Health Services Group signified continued revitalization in the delivery of health care to CF members. Many of you worked extraordinarily long and hard to effect these and many other changes. Be proud of your accomplishments; I know that I am.

Sadly, there have also been a number of losses – most notably, the tragic deaths of our two soldiers in Afghanistan. We should take a moment of our holidays to remember that others have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country, and their loved ones will dearly miss them, especially at this time of the year. My heart goes out to their families and friends in sincere sympathy.

I thank all of you in the Group and beyond who have worked so hard to support the extra demands while continuing to provide an outstanding level of dedication and support to our day-to-day duties.

We continue to have many challenges ahead of us, but our strength as a team is in our vision: “Look after our people, invest in them and give them confidence in the future."

I hope you and your families enjoy a safe and joyous holiday season.

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Table of contents  ADM(HR-Mil) Christmas message  Foreign Language Ability Survey  CF Health Services Quality of Life research studies  Values and Ethics Code  Recruiter's Corner: Fly me to the moon...  CF Artists Program pilot project  Mission Leave/Special Leave Mission Travel  DND/CF Help Line for Harassment/Sexual Assault  7 CF Supply Depot 50th anniversary