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Values and Ethics Code

Defence Ethics Program logoA new Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service came into effect September 1, 2003. The Conflict of Interest Measures and Post-Employment Measures contained in Parts 2 and 3 of the Code replace the previous Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code. As was the case in the past, the principles found in the Code relating to Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment will be reflected in the Defence Administrative Orders and Directives (DAOD) series 7021, which are applicable to both CF members and DND employees.

What is the relationship of the Code with the Defence Ethics Program?

The Defence Ethics Program (DEP) has been in place for some time. The DEP, which applies to CF members and DND employees, is a values-based program that provides an ethical framework appropriate for Defence as an institution of democracy. The DEP has been used as the basis for DND's contribution to shaping the new Public Service Code, as is reflected in the values found within the Code itself. The DEP also served as the basis for shaping the ethical component of the Duty With Honour: The Profession of Arms in Canada manual released in October 2003.

How can I find out what's in the Code?

Individual copies of the handbook Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service were distributed in early autumn. Access to the Code is also available through the DEP Web site at (click on "What's New?"). In addition, updated Defence Ethics Program DAODs will incorporate the necessary changes to internal DND and CF policies and procedures. These DAODs will also be available on the DEP Web site.

Visit the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Web site at to learn more about the Code, including guidelines and policy.

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Table of contents  ADM(HR-Mil) Christmas message  Foreign Language Ability Survey  CF Health Services Quality of Life research studies  Values and Ethics Code  Recruiter's Corner: Fly me to the moon...  CF Artists Program pilot project  Mission Leave/Special Leave Mission Travel  DND/CF Help Line for Harassment/Sexual Assault  7 CF Supply Depot 50th anniversary