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Illustration: DND/CF Help Line for Harassment/Sexual Assault. Your call is confidential. Your call will be handled personally and professionally. Its your decision whether to pursue the complaint or not. 1-800-290-1019 English. Outside North America 1-800-290-10191 English.

DND/CF Help Line for Harassment/Sexual Assault

Agents are available to take calls from 0900 to 1700 EST Monday to Friday. Voicemail is available at all other times.

DND/CF is committed to providing a harassment-free workplace by promoting prevention and prompt resolution of harassment.

The Harassment/Sexual Assault Help Line augments DND/CF's efforts to provide a safe, non-threatening environment for the voicing of complaints. Staffed by agents including nurses, social workers, human resource specialists, and former CF members who act as facilitators, The Line serves callers who believe they have been harassed, who want to be well informed about their rights and responsibilities as leaders, managers, members or employees, and/or who are having trouble accessing the various complaint resolution avenues set up within DND/CF.

The Line does not subscribe to call display. No caller ID information is kept. Callers may choose to remain anonymous; agents need not know callers' names. Callers are not obligated in any way to start or to continue harassment complaint proceedings. Once they hang up, callers alone decide whether or not to pursue the issue, seek mediation, or make a formal complaint. Agents are there to help callers help themselves.

Callers are often potential complainants who wish to discuss an issue or incident, or express a concern about something unacceptable that is happening to them or others in the workplace. They may at times be reluctant to raise issues of wrongful conduct within their chain of command because they believe it is disloyal or petty to complain, especially about harassment.

The Harassment/Sexual Assault Help Line is not a reporting venue for offences of a criminal nature. Callers are encouraged to contact the Canadian Forces National Investigation Service (CFNIS) in their region.

The Line, launched in May 1998, has provided assistance and guidance to almost 3000 callers, demonstrating that CF members and DND employees today have a heightened comfort level with regard to sharing their concerns about harassment. In the beginning, most calls were made by women who felt they were targets of sexual harassment or assault. Today, the majority of calls concern harassment of a non-sexual nature, and The Line now receives more calls from men than from women.

Consult or (Intranet users only) for complete information.

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