Committees Special Interest Section Student Chapters Section Annual Conference Publications







ACA Institute


                                   Archives in the Wake of Hugh Taylor:
                         Shaping Archival Programmes for the 21st Century
                            St. John’s, Newfoundland, June 26-27, 2006
The ACA Institute is a unique, advanced-level, educational offering which was developed to provide archivists with an educational opportunity that goes beyond teaching archivists about specific tasks carried out in archives and delves into the complex issues integral to those tasks through lectures, reading-based group discussions, small group problem-solving discussions and collective case study analysis.
The theme for the 2006 Institute is: "Archives in the Wake of Hugh Taylor: Shaping Archival Programmes for the 21st Century."  With Taylor's passing in September 2005, it is appropriate to hold a kind of "wake" for him, to consider archives in his wake, or the legacy for our work today of Canada's premier archival thinker.
The Institute's aim is to integrate new ideas and approaches to a variety of archival tasks into an overall view of how archival programmes may be best conceived and implemented to meet the key challenges we face. The Institute will use Taylor's ideas as a springboard for a discussion of this aim that also draws on a range of archival writers and experiences. These challenges affect the day-to-day work planning and service delivery of archives and Taylor tackled them with his imaginative insights and spurred further research into them in, for instance, contextual description, macroappraisal, electronic records, and relationships with other heritage and information specialists.
In break-out groups, participants will consider the practical workplace challenges that they will have prepared and submitted in advance of the event. Each participant will receive several weeks before, covered by the registration fee, a copy of Imagining Archives: Essays and Reflections by Hugh A Taylor (2003, edited by Terry Cook and Gordon Dodds), as well as other material.
The ACA is fortunate to have secured as Institute leaders Terry Cook and Tom Nesmith, two of Canada's foremost archival educators who have both written and taught about Hugh Taylor's ideas. Both are professors in the two-year Archival Studies MA program at the University of Manitoba and are well known as writers and lecturers on many archival subjects, in Canada and abroad.
Institute fees have been lowered to encourage ACA Conference attendees to arrive a bit early for what promises to be a stimulating exploration of archival theory and practice. For ACA members the registration fee is $500 (plus HST & $10 mailing fee for participants from outside of Canada).  The fee for non-ACA members is $675 (plus HST & $10 mailing fee for participants from outside of Canada).  These fees include all course materials and four refreshment breaks.  Maximum participation is capped at 25, so register early.
If you have questions or want more information about the ACA Institute please contact Denise Jones, chair of the ACA Education Committee at


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