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Waterton Lakes National Park of Canada
Box 200
Waterton Park, AB
T0K 2M0
(403) 859-2224
(403) 859-5152

Waterton Lakes National Park of Canada

Visitor Information


Waterton Lakes National Park is conserved as much as possible in a natural wilderness state. While natural hazards do exist, the risk of personal injury can be minimized by taking reasonable precautions. Your safety is your personal responsibility. Caution and self-reliance are essential, along with a knowledge of natural hazards, experience in avoiding them and successfully dealing with them when they happen. Pick trips that reflect your level of ability.

Hazardous Activity Registration

If you are planning an activity that may be hazardous (eg. mountain or rock climbing, or hiking alone), you may voluntarily register your trip at the Warden Office. Once registered out, you must return your registration at the end of your trip. Wardens will investigate all overdue registrations.

Steep Mountainous Terrain

Most accidents involving natural hazards in Waterton occur when people encounter terrain with steep slopes and cliffs. Minimize risk around these areas by staying on designated trails, keeping well back from edges and supervising children closely. Wet or moss covered surfaces can be slippery. Loose rock on scree slopes and near steep drops is especially dangerous.


Please read the brochure, Keep the Wild in Wildlife. You can also get a copy at any park facility.

For additional information about bears, check out the Bears and People : A Guide to Safety and Conservation on the Trail brochure

Lakes and Streams

Waterton's lakes and streams present two dangers, drowning and hypothermia in the extremely cold waters. Take precautions when crossing streams, or walking along the edge of streams and lakes.

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Biting or stinging insects may occur along trails and at backcountry campsites. Bring insect repellent. Avoid wearing scented lotions and perfumes. Rocky Mountain Wood Ticks are common during the spring and early summer. After hiking, check for ticks on your body and clothing. Tick bites can cause serious illness.

Drinking Water

Though park waters are generally clean, there is always a chance that harmful bacteria or parasites may exist in untreated surface water. Boil and filter untreated water before using, or carry water from a treated water source.


Pets are permitted on hiking trails but must be on a leash at all times. Dogs and other pets may jeopardize your safety and theirs by provoking and attracting wildlife.


Snow and very cold temperatures can occur any month of the year. Very strong winds are common and will quickly cause hypothermia. Sunburn can be a major problem, particularly at higher elevations. Because mountain weather can change very rapidly and unpredictably, you should carry sun screen, appropriate clothing and proper equipment at all times.

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Avalanche icon

Almost any slope, under the right circumstances, may release its snowy mantle in an avalanche. Even small avalanches can be deadly.

  • Drivers should avoid stopping in posted avalanche zones.
  • Many of the backcountry trails travel through avalanche-prone terrain and require a skill-set for evaluating avalanche risk. Backcountry skiers, snowboarders, snowshoers and hikers should be well informed about the type of terrain they will encounter when embarking on a backcountry trip in the winter.
  • Travel in avalanche prone terrain also requires the use of specialized equipment (avalanche transceiver, probe and shovel). Use of this equipment requires practice, and instruction from a skilled user.
  • Backcountry avalanche information is updated weekly, and can be obtained by reading the Avalanche Bulletin.
  • The National Parks backcountry is managed as a natural area, and as such many natural hazards exist. Backcountry travellers are responsible for their own decisions and safety - becoming well informed is a good start.
  • New policies have been introduced for custodial groups planning backcountry travel in the mountain National Parks (Banff, Yoho, Kootenay, Jasper, Mt. Revelstoke, Glacier, and Waterton Lakes). These policies are in effect from Nov 15 - Apr 30 each year. Parks Canada has established a new standard of care, and custodial group leaders have new obligations and pre-trip planning considerations they must understand.

Parks Canada’s goal is to encourage our youth to travel in their mountain parks, while at the same time receiving appropriate leadership in suitable locations. The information contained within these pages offers a strong resource for custodial groups who plan to undertake backcountry travel.

Last Updated: 2006-02-01 To the top
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Important Notices