Défense nationale
Symbole du gouvernement du Canada

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Diane and Elise - 12/14/2006 [21:21]
calgary, Alberta,, canada

Dear soldier:
Thank you for helping people and
Merry christmas!!!

sincerely Diane and Elise

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Sarah - 12/14/2006 [21:20]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

HEY!! My name is  Sarah.I live in Calgary,Alberta and I am sending you 
YEAR!!!! P.S hope you stay safe and

SARAH age:8  school:chinook Park


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aimee - 12/14/2006 [21:19]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

Have a safe and happy holiday

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Dougie - 12/14/2006 [21:18]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

Merry  christmas!

Be safe

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Wilson - 12/14/2006 [21:18]
calgary, Alberta,, canada

Merry  Christmas

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Kelli and Kobe - 12/14/2006 [21:17]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

I would just like to thank everyone for all they have done for our country and wishing you all a safe and happy Merry Christmas as well as a Heppy New Year.  You are all in my prayers everyday.  Thank you once again and God Bless each and everyone of you!

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macyn - 12/14/2006 [21:16]
calgary, Alberta,, canada

My name is Macyn.  I am 8 years old.  I live in Calgary, Alberta.  I want to wish you a merry christmas and a Happy New Year.  Be safe and god bless you all.

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Rachel - 12/14/2006 [21:16]
calgary, Alberta,, canada

Keep up the GOOD work!! I hope that not to many people are dyeing and that you come out alive. I thank you for risking your life for our freedom.  sincerely:Rachel

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grace - 12/14/2006 [21:15]
calgary, Alberta,, canada

Dear Soldiers Thank you for all that    you do for our country, I hope you have a Merry Christmas!

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nathan - 12/14/2006 [21:14]
calgary, Alberta,, canada


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alec - 12/14/2006 [21:14]
calgary, Alberta,, canada

Hy my name is Alec. I hope your succeeding in your task. I also hope        you are comming back soon. if you do write back please tell what its like in the country you are in. by and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! HO HO HO!!!!!!!

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Amelia - 12/14/2006 [21:13]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

Thank you for saving our world. I wish you could be with your family for Christmas.  I hope you stay safe. Ho Ho Ho - have a Merry Christmas. Don't worry, Santa can find Afghanistan!

From Amelia, 6
with help from Mom.

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Tiffany - 12/14/2006 [21:13]
, ,, Canada

I just wanted to write to you and wish all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Tiffany and Kiaora.  We are thinking of all of you during this time knowing humbly that you all have sacrificed this time for freedom, democracy and the right determine ones own future.  God Bless and we will pray for all of you to safely make it back home to Canada.

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cody - 12/14/2006 [21:13]
calgary, Alberta,, canada

hello! i'm so grateful for your service. it must be hard for you to give up all of your time and go to another country and fight. how are you doing? are you celebrating christmas?

i hope things are going well.


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Ellen - 12/14/2006 [21:12]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

Thank you for risking your life in the war et pour nous dans le guerre.

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Danica - 12/14/2006 [21:10]
calgary, Alberta,, Canada

I hope your doing well. Thank you for fighting for our freedom. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year. I will be going to Thunder Bay this Christmas to see my grandparents.
I hope you can see your family at Christmas too. Take care and be safe.

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The Shoesmith's - 12/14/2006 [21:09]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

To the GOOD guys. Keep up the tremendous effort. The majority of Canada is totally behind you. Stay safe and God bless.

From two that met because of our Canadian naval commitment and are happily married after 19 years.

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Hoban - 12/14/2006 [21:09]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

I hope you are safe in Afghanistan.  I hope you get lots of food.  I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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Colton - 12/14/2006 [21:08]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

thank you for working so hard to keep peace,I'm sorry you have to miss Christmas 
with your family.  It's cold in Calgary, we wish all you guys and gals all the best and a safe return home!

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Connor - 12/14/2006 [21:08]
Calgary A.B., Alberta,, Canada


A une bonne Noel et merci de aider notre pays, Canada.

Merci encore,


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