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2002 Index of articles

7/02 – 4 December

2/02 – February

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6/02 – July

  • Taking time to decompress
  • Changes simplify CF pay structure
  • New pay rates on the 'web'
  • Getting fit the CF way
  • Leave policy changes
  • Reserve Force travel and meal benefits upgraded
  • Dietary supplement may be dangerous
  • Cartoon

5/02 – June

  • Grief: part of life, part of living
  • Guideline changes make pension application process easier
  • Medically Speaking: Privacy of health information
  • Things to be aware of if you're posted
  • Cartoon
  • Health Care Plan rate change
  • Active living: A little bit goes a long way

4/02 – April

  • Reserve Force employment framework implementation delayed
  • CFRETS closes its doors
  • Good health: good for you, good for the CF
  • Some understrength MOCs considered "open in" under new program
  • Cartoon
  • CANFORGEN Highlights
  • Question Corner: Who is the Director of Estates?

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3/02 – March

  • Allowances to increase engineering officer ranks
  • Quality of Life Survey releases member results
  • Ombudsman makes recommendations on PTSD
  • Hospital partnership brings trauma experience
  • Cartoon
  • SISIP Financial Services

1/02 – January

  • Recruiting allowances designed to help understrength occupations
  • To be eligible for either of the three recruitment allowances, an NCM must...
  • Incentives available to currently serving members
  • Revised military human resource records procedures published
  • Retention efforts as diverse as CF population
  • HR Mil Group issues
  • HR programs in place or under way
  • Question Corner: Split allotments
  • Cartoon

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