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Defence Learning Network – Professional Development Services

Here are just a few of the career and professional development services and programs that are available to you at the Learning and Career Centres now open across the country.

For civilians:

  • evaluation and personality assessments (Myers-Briggs TI)
  • résumé-writing help
  • interview preparation
  • advice
  • Individual Career Counselling Service

For civilians and military members:

  • Self Directed Learning Centre
  • Job Experience Training (JET)
  • Job Shadowing Program
  • Tuition Reimbursement Program

Military members should contact their Personnel Selection Officer or Career Manager for guidance. The Reimbursement Policies & Procedures and Professional Development (PDEV) websites provide more information on services available to military members.

The Learning and Career Centre page lists all LCCs with websites. If you are close to an LCC location, drop in and speak to a Learning Advisor about training, services and resources.