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Learning and Career Centres
Delivering learning to you

Learning and Career Centres (LCCs) are a major component of the Defence Learning Network (DLN). These Centres provide services in three areas - learning advisory services and training delivery services to both military and civilian personnel, and career advisory services to civilians.

LCCs offer employees and managers a wide spectrum of programs and services. The LCCs also promote and provide access to a number of nationally developed initiatives such as the Civilian Orientation Program, the Leading Diversity training session for supervisors and the just recently launched Managing Civilian Human Resources course. The Managing Civilian Human Resources course is an example of how the LCCs will be working to provide services "anytime-anywhere", since it can either be accessed on line or taken in a traditional classroom setting.

Currently, there are eight LCC hubs making up the network along with seven satellite and kiosk locations, all of them serving six regions:

  • Atlantic,
  • Eastern,
  • National Capital Region,
  • Ontario,
  • Prairies,
  • Pacific