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The Defence Learning Network (DLN) is a joint CMP and ADM(HR-Civ) initiative designed to improve access to learning, training and professional development programs and services for all DND civilian and CF personnel. It is currently in a Proof of Concept. Its many components include a network of Learning and Career Centres across the country, a Test Lab, a virtual training centre (on-line education using the Learning Management System) and a Support Services Group, as well as many other components, including Centres of Excellence and associated policy frameworks.

If you have any questions about the DLN, please contact the Website Coordinator.

How to get training on the DLN

You can take different types of training, either at a Learning and Career Centre or on-line through the Learning Management System (LMS). You can get professional development, training and education advice at the Learning and Career Centres Career counselling services are offered to civilians.

If you are a military member looking for professional development or career advice, please contact your Personnel Selection Officer or Career Manager for opportunities available to you. The Reimbursement Policies & Procedures and Professional Development (PDEV) websites also provide more information for military members.

How to access services of the DLN

If you are close to one of the LCCs across the country, you can just walk in to find out more. Visit the LCC page for details on the different seminars, course offerings, career and professional development advice (civilians only). Even if you are far from an LCC, you can still make a connection; by taking e-learning on the Learning Management System or by calling a Learning Advisor at a Learning and Career Centre.

We will announce new courses and services as they become available, so bookmark the homepage and check for updates.