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S-A-01:2002 - 2.0 Definitions [revised 2005-04-11]

2.0 Definitions

For the purposes of this document, the definitions included in the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and Regulations and the Weights and Measures Act and Regulations are applicable.

2.1 Definitions Applicable to all Organizations

Act: means, as applicable, the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act or the Weights and Measures Act.

Authorized service provider: organization that has been delegated inspection, calibration and/or certification powers pursuant to the Weights and Measures Act or the Electricity and Gas Inspections Act.

Calibration: comparison of a measuring equipment, device or meter of unknown accuracy to another measuring equipment, device or meter of known accuracy (traceable to a recognized national standard) to detect, correlate, report or eliminate by adjustment any variation from the required performance limits of the unverified measuring system, device or meter. For the purposes of this standard, calibration takes place prior to final inspection activities.

Device: a measuring machine or an electricity or natural gas meter as defined in the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and Regulations and the Weights and Measures Act and Regulations.

Final Inspection: the inspection that is carried out on a device that ensures that the device meets all requirements specified in the Weights and Measures Act, Regulations and Specifications and/or the Electricity and Gas Inspections Act, Regulations and Specifications. Portions of the final inspection may occur in process, provided that the results are not affected by further processing.

Inspection: means the activity of measuring, examining, evaluating, testing or gauging one or more characteristics of a device or meter to determine its acceptability, and it includes documentation of results.

Legal requirements: means all pertinent requirements contained in the applicable Act, Regulations, Specifications and any related documents used for the purposes of administering the Act and Regulations.

Management representative: the person in authority who will act as the organization’s representative to, and main contact for Measurement Canada.

Organization: body corporate incorporated or continued under the laws of Canada or the laws of one of the Provinces. Examples: corporation, partnership or limited partnership. Under the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act, includes also any person as described in section 10 “Accredited meter verifiers”.
Note: With regard to application from organizations in NAFTA member countries other than Canada, additional review of the organizational status must be conducted by Measurement Canada prior to the acceptance of the application

Product: for the purposes of this standard, it includes devices being inspected to verify conformity to legal requirements.

Regulations: means, as applicable, the Electricity and Gas Inspection Regulations or the Weights and Measures Regulations.

Site:* an additional location or site is a location that has received delegated authority from its accredited headquarter to make decisions that can impact on the quality system.

Top manager: the person who directs and controls the organization at the highest level for the scope of accreditation being sought.

2.2 Additional Definitions Applicable to Organizations Seeking Accreditation Pursuant to the Weights and Measures Act

As found results: means the results of tests performed or observations made upon arrival at the site and before the device is adjusted or repaired.

Device Major Non-Compliances:

  • where a non approved device is found to be used in trade;
  • where a device that has not been initially inspected is found to be used in trade, and the device owner refuses the initial inspection;
  • where a device has been modified or installed in such a way as to facilitate fraud;
  • where a device is found with a measurement error in excess of three times the maximum permissible error, and the error is in favor of the trader (applies also to automatic temperature compensators);
  • where the interlock, which prevents a device from being used before its registration has returned to zero, is found to be inoperative i.e. faulty interlock on a gasoline dispenser; where a computing device’s registration of total price is not in mathematical agreement with the value derived from the indicated quantity and unit price, and the error is in favor of the trader; and
  • where a device has been altered, repaired, or adjusted, and a complete inspection as prescribed cannot be performed for any reason (i.e. the device owner does not want the device tested properly or does not provide the assistance required to perform an inspection, etc.).

Device Minor Non-Compliances:
  • any non-compliance not identified under major non-compliances.

Initial Inspection: means a mandatory inspection performed before a device is used in trade for the first time.

Inspector: designates, in the context of the accreditation program, an organization that has entered into an accreditation agreement with the Minister of Industry and has been delegated inspection powers pursuant to the Weights and Measures Act.

Inspector number: an alphanumeric code assigned by Measurement Canada to an organization that has been designated as inspector.

Point of service: the geographic location from where a recognized technician offers inspection services. Services could be offered from a
place of business or the residence of the technician.

Re-inspection: means any inspection performed following a subsequent inspection where a device has been rejected. Does not apply following an initial inspection.

Recognized Technician: means an individual, employed by an accredited organization, whose competencies have been successfully assessed and who is recognized by Measurement Canada to inspect devices and issue inspection certificates.

Reporting location: the location of the manager that the recognized technician reports to when performing inspection services.

Subsequent Inspection: means any inspection other than the first (initial) inspection of a device before its use in trade. For the purpose of this document, it includes re-inspection. Subsequent inspections do not include additional initial inspections that may be performed until such time as the device is certified as meeting the requirements for the first time.
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    Created: 2004-06-03
Updated: 2005-04-11
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