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S-A-01:2002 - 3.0 Responsibilities [revised 2005-01-10]

3.0 Responsibilities

3.1 Measurement Canada

Measurement Canada shall:

a) establish and publish the policies and procedures regarding accreditation;

b) assist interested organizations to acquire and interpret information relevant to the accreditation program;

c) review applications for accreditation and verify that each application falls within the scope of the program;

d) where applicable, deliver the appropriate technical training to organizations seeking accreditation;

e) review and evaluate the quality documentations submitted by applicant organizations and advise applicants of the results;

f) following the evaluation and acceptance of quality documentations, conduct a comprehensive evaluation audit of an applicant organization’s ability to comply with all criteria and requirements for specified accreditation;

g) where an organization meets the criteria and requirements:

    i) for accreditation pursuant to the Weights and Measures Act; advise the Minister to designate the organization as inspectors for the purpose of the Weights and Measures Act subject to any conditions or limitations that the Minister may impose on the designation;

    ii) for accreditation pursuant to the Weights and Measures Act; recommend to the Minister to enter into agreement with organizations that are to be accredited and comply with the conditions of the agreement; and

    iii) for accreditation pursuant to the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act; grant accreditation to organizations which have demonstrated compliance with all criteria and requirements specified for accreditation.

h) specify any conditions to which the granting of accreditation is subject;

I) issue certificates of accreditation to successful applicants;

j)* perform annual surveillance audits of the accredited organization’s quality system to confirm the continued adherence to the accreditation criteria and requirements. The frequency of audits of sites is dependent on the extent of the processes at each site;

k) perform product audits, as specified, to provide additional assurance in the accredited organization’s ability to provide inspection services that ensure the conformance of devices to legal requirements;

l) report the results of any audits to the organization being audited;

m) maintain and publish a list of accredited organizations;

n) suspend accreditation for all or part of an organization’s scope of accreditation in instances where the organization fails to adhere to the requirements of the applicable act and its regulations and the terms and conditions under which accreditation was granted to the organization;

o) recommend revocation of accreditation to the Minister where an accredited organization fails to take corrective action following a suspension of accreditation or the commission by an organization of an offence under either the Weights and Measures Act or the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and their associated regulations;

p) notify a transgressing organization of the pending revocation of its accreditation and, after revocation of an accreditation, amend the list of accredited organizations to indicate that the accreditation has been revoked;

q) for accreditation pursuant to the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act, publish the notice of revocation of accreditation in the Canada Gazette; and

r) inform accredited organizations of any changes to the applicable legislation, regulations, policies and procedures.

3.2 Accredited Organizations and Organizations Seeking Accreditation *

An accredited organization or an organization seeking accreditation shall:

a) submit an application for accreditation (Appendix 1), in accordance with this standard.

An application shall be made to Measurement Canada in writing, and signed by a top manager of the organization with executive authority and shall include:
    • the legal (registered) name and address of the organization (for applicants applying under the Weights and Measures Act, the Provincial or Federal registration number shall be included);
    • the articles of incorporation;
    • the location of the organization’s inspection facility; and
    • the scope of the organization’s accreditation program.

Organizations seeking accreditation to perform inspections pursuant to the Weights and Measures Act shall define the number of persons requiring the mandatory training from Measurement Canada.

Accreditation applications will be processed as presented. If an organization wants to reduce or change its application after Measurement Canada has performed a document review or an audit, a new application shall be submitted.

Measurement Canada will not allow tailoring of applications after an unsuccessful audit. An applicant shall meet all of the applicable requirements for the complete scope of an application.

b) implement the quality management system described in the version of the quality documentation that has been accepted by Measurement Canada;

c) update and maintain the quality system as required and obtain approval from Measurement Canada for any modifications to the quality system prior to their implementation, where the modification may affect the manner in which the organization meets the requirements stipulated in Criteria for the Accreditation of Organizations to Perform Inspections Pursuant to the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and the Weights and Measures Act (S-A-01:2002);

d) update and resubmit the quality documentation as required by Measurement Canada;

e) provide Measurement Canada representatives with access to the premises and measuring equipment for the purposes of surveillance audits, product audits and other quality monitoring activities;

f) promptly correct any potential or actual non-conformity of the quality system that is identified in the course of an audit or otherwise;

g) provide Measurement Canada with any information that is required for the purpose of the administration of the Weights and Measures Act or the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and their regulations;

h) provide Measurement Canada with any information that is required for planning purposes and determination of resource allocation and utilization;

I) ensure the confidentiality of the results of any inspections performed, in the case of third party inspection organizations;

j) provide inspection certificates, where required, and maintain the quality records required by Criteria for the Accreditation of Organizations to Perform Inspections Pursuant to the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and the Weights and Measures Act (S-A-01:2002);

k) ensure that non-conforming devices are not certified, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for use in trade;

l) ensure that the organization’s accreditation remains in good standing;

m) pay, upon completion of an accreditation audit, an audit fee (Section 3.4 of S-A-01: 2002);

n) modify the quality system or quality system procedures to meet any new requirements that may be brought about by changes to legislation or technical specifications;

o) report immediately to Measurement Canada any changes in the organizational structure, personnel or measuring apparatus or test equipment that could affect compliance with the accreditation and requirements;

p) provide services on behalf of Measurement Canada in accordance with the Official Languages Act;

q) only claim that it is accredited with respect to those activities for which it has been granted accreditation;

r) not use its accreditation in such a manner as to bring Measurement Canada into disrepute, and not make any statement regarding its accreditation which Measurement Canada may consider misleading or unauthorized;

s) upon suspension or revocation of its accreditation (however determined), discontinue use of all advertising matter that contains any reference thereto and return any accreditation documents as required by Measurement Canada;

t) ensure that no accreditation document, mark or report, or any part thereof, is used in a misleading manner; and

u) in making reference to its accreditation in communication media such as documents, brochures or advertising, comply with the requirements of Measurement Canada.

3.3 Additional Responsibilities for Weights and Measures Organizations

A Weights and Measures organization that is accredited or is seeking accreditation shall:

a) develop, document and submit a quality management system manual (including policies and procedures) to meet the requirements stipulated in Criteria for the Accreditation of Organizations to Perform Inspections Pursuant to the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and the Weights and Measures Act (S-A-01:2002);

b) ensure that at least one person, employed at the site to be accredited, has successfully completed the appropriate Measurement Canada training course or courses. Measurement Canada may assess competencies through alternate means when appropriate.

c)* ensure that criminal record checks are initiated and conducted regarding the technicians that will perform work on behalf of the organization in its capacity as a designated inspector for Measurement Canada. The organization shall ensure that a declaration regarding the existence of a criminal record be obtained and remitted to the President of Measurement Canada. Specifically, the person will be required to state whether he or she has been convicted of a criminal offence for which a pardon has not been granted.

All criminal record checks must be completed and documented by organizations seeking accreditation or seeking to add technicians to Schedule A before the granting or addition is made. For organizations already accredited criminal record checks for recognized technicians in Schedule A must be completed and documented by June 2005.

d) where accepted for accreditation by the Minister:
    i) enter into an accreditation agreement with the Minister,
    ii) comply with the conditions of the accreditation agreement,
    iii) maintain the inspection program as set out in the quality documentation.
e) report on the inspection certificate “as found” measurement errors and other non-compliances (i.e devices that are not configured, installed or located properly, etc.) for Measurement Canada compliance monitoring purposes. This applies to subsequent inspection and reinspections only;

f) issue rejection certificates and affix rejection tags to devices that do not comply with the legislative requirements and that cannot be repaired or brought to compliance for any reason at the time of inspection. Legislative requirements include those related to device configuration, performance and installation;

g) send by fax, by electronic mail or by other expedient manner, within 48 hours, a report to the local Measurement Canada district office for follow-up action in the case of a device or devices found on the trader’s premises with major non-compliances not corrected at the time of inspection; or in cases where the device owner does not want a complete inspection to be performed following a repair, although the circumstances would make it necessary.

3.4 Fees Payable to Measurement Canada *

Organizations seeking accreditation pursuant to the Weights and Measures Act and the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act shall pay, upon completion of an accreditation audit, a $1000 audit fee.

Thereafter, each accredited organization shall pay a $1000 audit fee for each surveillance or expansion of scope audit. To qualify as an expansion of scope audit, a document review and an on-site assessment shall be conducted. When surveillance and expansion of scope audits are combined, a single $1000 audit fee is payable.

Audit fees are not payable for product audits. Product audits are deemed to be a component of, and are included as part of an accreditation, expansion of scope or surveillance audit.

The fees applicable for Weights and Measures training are $100 per day or part of a day per technician and are payable prior to the commencement of the course. These charges are separate from the accreditation evaluation and maintenance fees.
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    Created: 2004-06-03
Updated: 2005-01-07
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