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S-A-01:2002 - Appendix 6 - Accreditation for the Verification of Electricity Metering Installations [revised 2005-01-10]

Appendix 6

Accreditation for the verification of electricity metering installations

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to provide additional information for organizations interested in becoming accredited for the verification of electricity installations, and to provide guidance for Measurement Canada auditors.

2.0 Scope

This document applies to all organizations seeking accreditation to perform electricity installation inspections pursuant to the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and Regulations.

3.0 Background

A national team was established in the Fall of 2000 to conduct the documentation review of all applications for this field of accreditation. The team was directed not to develop specifications or procedures, but rather to evaluate submissions in a consistent manner and document why procedures are deemed acceptable.

This document summarizes the conclusions reached by the team in consultation with several clients who expressed interest in becoming accredited for installation inspections, and with the Canadian Electricity Association. The team would like to thank all who have contributed to this document.

4.0 General

The following are the minimum acceptable criteria to assist clients in developing quality documentation and to assist Measurement Canada staff in evaluating such documentation. Definitions in The Electricity and Gas Inspections Act and Regulations and Measurement Canada bulletins apply.

This document is to be read and applied in conjunction with the requirements delineated in the accreditation standard S-A-01:2002, Criteria for Accreditation of Organizations to Perform Inspections Pursuant to The Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and Weights and Measures Act.

ISO 10012-1:1994, Quality assurance requirements for measuring equipment, is to be used to determine specifications for measuring equipment.

All documentation shall be submitted to Measurement Canada for acceptance.

5.0 Purpose of an installation inspections

The purpose of an installation inspection is to ensure the systematic integrity of a metering installation. Its purpose is not to verify individual meter accuracy.

The installation inspection will help to ensure accurate measurement by verifying that:

  1. approved meters and instrument transformers are used;
  2. meters are used as per Measurement Canada’s approval of type process;
  3. meter(s) is/are sealed with a valid and effective seal;
  4. the overall metering system is installed in accordance with all applicable Measurement Canada requirements and any meter manufacturer’s recommendations; and
  5. testing be implemented within three months after load is applied to the installation and then tested again each time a major component of the installation is changed or added (e.g. meters, transformer, test switch).

6.0 Documentation

As a minimum, quality documentation shall:
  1. meet the requirements of the accreditation standard (S-A-01:2002);
  2. include the process for selection of installations to be inspected;
  3. include the installation inspection process and records (as per section 7.0);
  4. include a process for reporting findings of the tests conducted;
  5. include a process to resolve customer complaints including notification of corrective actions; and
  6. include a process for initiating a Measurement Canada dispute, ref. P-EG-01, Electricity and Gas Dispute Investigation Procedures.

Findings are to be made using Measurement Canada form number IC3122 (6/97), Electricity Installation Test Worksheet, or an equivalent form (i.e. electronic format) acceptable to Measurement Canada. Full details of each installation as indicated by the form, shall be recorded, giving the identification and rating of each component.

7.0 Process

As a minimum, the installation inspection process shall cover:
  1. the verification process to ensure the owner of the metering system is registered with Measurement Canada;
  2. the process for design and construction of an electricity metering installation. (i.e. S-A-01:2002 section 4.3, Contract review);
  3. the purchase of electricity metering installation equipment which is approved by Measurement Canada;
  4. the selection of the installations to be tested;
  5. the process to decide what installation equipment is to be used;
  6. the static tests (all relevant information as per IC3122 (6/97), Electricity Installation Test Worksheet);
  7. the dynamic tests ( e.g. cross-phasing check, CT ratio, PT ratio);
  8. the examination of records (multiplier, meter information and field data);
  9. the documented action(s) to be taken in instances where a test result is outside the decision criteria in section 13.0;
  10. the analysis of results;
  11. the report of findings;
  12. the decision criteria;
  13. the next steps based on results (e.g. customer notification of corrective actions); and
  14. any additional Measurement Canada requirements.

    It is recommended the following procedure be included in quality system documentation. Clients including these preventative action processes will likely benefit from their use.
  15. the purchase of installation equipment that does not require approval by Measurement Canada prior to use;
  16. the incoming inspection of installation equipment that does not require approval by Measurement Canada prior to use; and
  17. the metering equipment assembly.

7.1 Harmonic distortion testing

While harmonic distortion can impact negatively on accurate measurement and contractors are responsible for addressing influences of this nature where necessary, Measurement Canada does not presently have criteria for the limits of distortion. As a result, where such testing is included in an organization's submission for accreditation, it will not be evaluated by Measurement Canada for technical content.

7.2 Ratio test on Current Transformers (CTs) and Potential Transformers (PTs) above 600V
  1. Due to safety concerns, it is acceptable not to include PT and CT ratios checks for service voltage above 600V.
  2. In instances where transformer ratio checks cannot be conducted or where test results cannot readily confirm the actual ratio of a transformer, at the time of the test, objective evidence is to be provided that verifies the actual ratio being used for billing purposes. Transformer ratio check results obtained by means of a pre-installation test are acceptable (i.e results from using a ratio meter).

8.0 Decisions documented and actions based on the results of the installation inspection

The accredited organizations shall rate the results as:
  1. installation tested and verified;
  2. installation tested, corrected and verified; or
  3. installation tested and rejected with reasons for the rejection.

    The accredited organization shall then:
  4. affix a verification sticker when an installation is acceptable or corrected and verified without an adjustment to billing;
  5. tag, and leave as found, a rejected installation pending a dispute investigation; and
  6. contact Measurement Canada for dispute investigation when required as per section 6.0.

9.0 Access to billing information

Accredited clients accessing proprietary billing information, as per sections 20 and 21 of the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act, shall commit to treating this information as confidential.

10.0 Acceptability of an accredited client to perform electricity installation inspections across Canada

No restrictions to performing installation inspection testing across Canada.

11.0 Measuring and Test Equipment (MATE)

11.1 Inspection of electrical installations may require the use of several pieces of equipment. What follows is a list of typical equipment that is to be covered by the measuring equipment requirement, for accreditation purposes. The list is not exhaustive and is only intended as a guide:
      • Circuit analyzers
      • Voltmeters
      • Ammeters
      • Instrument Transformers (CTs)
      • Multifunction meters (volts, amps, watts)
      • Pulse counters
      • Ratio meter.

11.2 Measuring equipment shall be traceable to Canadian national standards and shall be calibrated at least once per year. Where no traceability to national standards can be provided for a specific type of measuring equipment, a process to ensure the control and periodic checks of the said equipment against a check standard of known error shall be established and documented.

11.3 See guidance under ISO10012-1:1992, Quality assurance requirements for measuring equipment, section 4.3 Confirmation system, for performance characteristics of measuring equipment.

12.0 Training

The minimum acceptable qualifications of those performing the work are:
  1. knowledge of Measurement Canada’s requirements for installation inspections, and
  2. knowledge of documentation that applies to installation inspections.

    Competencies of the individuals involved shall be evaluated by Measurement Canada:
  3. for the work they are to perform;
  4. by means of individual training record, and
  5. by means of certification as applicable to each province.

13.0 Decision criteria

The maximum permissible error for electricity installation testing shall be based on the Electricity and Gas Inspection Regulations, section 31 . Where load conditions do not permit the establishment of an error within the applicable tolerances, the best possible error obtained is to be recorded and the reasons (i.e. load conditions ) for this error being outside the acceptable tolerances shall be documented in the inspection report.
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    Created: 2004-06-03
Updated: 2005-01-07
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