LocationReference Tables

Reference Tables

  Public Statutes
 Titles of Public Statutes on e-Laws
 Ministerial Responsibility for Public Statutes
 Annual Lists of Public Statutes Enacted
 Public Statutes – Legislative History Overview
 Public Statutes – Detailed Legislative History
 Repealed Public Statutes
 Unconsolidated and Unrepealed Public Statutes
Private Statutes
 Private Statutes - Legislative History Overview
 Annual Lists of Private Statutes Enacted
 Titles of Regulations on e-Laws
 Annual Lists of Regulations Filed
 Regulations – Legislative History Overview
 Regulations – Detailed Legislative History
 Revoked, Spent and Expired Regulations
 Unconsolidated and Unrevoked Regulations
 Ontario Gazette Regulations Publication Dates
 Regulations Corrections Publication Dates

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This site is maintained by the Government of Ontario, Canada.

Comments, feedback and general inquiries to: e-laws@gov.on.ca.

A joint project of the Ministry of Government Services and the Ministry of the Attorney General.

Copyright information: © Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2002.

Last Modified: March 7, 2004