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Government of Ontario Ministry of the Environment

Location: Ministry Home > Water> Lake Partner

Welcome To Ontario's Lake Partner Website

Our Mission

The goal of the Lake Partner Program is to protect the quality of Ontario's inland lakes by involving citizens in a volunteer-based water quality monitoring program.

The Lake Partner Program

The Lake Partner Program is a province-wide, volunteer-based, water-quality monitoring program. Volunteers collect total phosphorus samples and make monthly water clarity observations on their lakes. This information will allow the early detection of changes in the nutrient status and/or the water clarity of the lake due to the impacts of shoreline development, climate change and other stresses.

Your Involvement

Volunteer involvement requires the collection of one water sample for total phosphorus in May for lakes on the Canadian Shield and one sample each month (May-Oct) for lakes that are off the shield. These samples are returned postage paid to the Dorset Environmental Science Centre for analysis. In addition, volunteers are asked to make a minimum of 6 (monthly) water clarity observations using a Secchi disk. These observations are mailed to Dorset at the end of the summer.

Upcoming Sample Season
In March or April, Lake Partner Program volunteers will receive their sampling kits for the upcoming sample season. There are no changes this year in the sampling directions. Please make sure to tighten the lids on the sample tubes to avoid leaking.
Those Volunteers Collecting a Single Sample

Volunteer holding Secchi disk Remember, it is important to collect this sample during the spring turnover period. In most cases this will be in the month of May and most samples should be taken and returned to Dorset by the May 24 weekend.


4464e Ontario's Lake Partner Program (April 2004) PDF format HTML format
3731e01 The Ontario Lake Partner Program A Closer Look at Your Lake (June 2005) PDF format HTML format
4661e Lake Partner Bulletin - Bulletin #1: What are Algae? PDF format HTML format
5074e Interpretation of TP and Secchi Results PDF format HTML format
Sampling Resources
4663e03 Lake Partner Program - Sampling Instructions, Step-by-Step Guide PDF format HTML format
Appendix 1
Secchi Disc Instruction Sheet PDF format HTML format
4663e02 Lake Partner Program - Observation Chart PDF format  
  Lake Partner Water Clarity Observation Form

Send Your Water Clarity Readings by E-mail
Lake Partner volunteers: Please fill out this Lake Partner Water Clarity Observation form with your annual Secchi readings and then e-mail before December to: lakepartner@ene.gov.on.ca
Note: please do not change the format of the form.
2005 Results
Lake Partner Secchi Data 2005 PDF format
Lake Partner Total Phosphorus Data 2005 PDF format
5075e Pre 2002 Total Phosphorus Annual Means PDF format  


Secchi disk

Contact Information

Bev Clark
Co-ordinator - Lake Partner Program
E-mail: bev.clark@ene.gov.on.ca
Pam Griffiths
Assistant Co-ordinator - Lake Partner Program
E-mail: pam.griffiths@ene.gov.on.ca

Dorset Environmental Science Centre
P.O. Box 39
1026 Bellwood Acres Rd.
Dorset, ON
P0A 1E0
Tel (Toll Free - Ontario Only):
Tel (Outside Ontario):
Fax: 705-766-2254
E-mail: lakepartner@ene.gov.on.ca

Lake Partners:

The Lake of the Woods District Property Owners Association Inc
The Lake of the Woods District Property Owners Association Inc.

Federation of Ontario Cottager's Association

Ice Watch


If you are having difficulty accessing a document, please contact the Ministry of the Environment at picemail@ene.gov.on.ca or phone the ministry's Public Information Centre at 1- 800-565-4923, in Toronto 416-325-4000 or by mail to the Ministry of the Environment, Public Information Centre, 135 St. Clair Ave. West, 1st Floor, Toronto, ON. M4V 1P5.

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