Premier's Awards for Teaching Excellence

Premier's Awards For Teaching Excellence

Help celebrate outstanding teachers and educators

Each school day, parents hand over their most precious gift – their children – to teachers. With this gesture of trust, comes the deeply challenging task of guiding our youth to becoming effective, empowered, creative adults. The Premier's Awards for Teaching Excellence recognize educators and staff who excel at unlocking the potential of Ontario's young people.

You now have an opportunity to give these remarkable professionals the recognition they deserve. Nominate them for the Premier's Awards for Teaching Excellence.

Who is eligible

The awards are open to anyone who works in Ontario’s public schools, including teachers, teaching support staff, department heads, principals and vice-principals.

How to nominate someone

Students, parents, teachers, community members – anyone who knows an outstanding educator can participate. Simply complete the nomination form. Remember to:

  • Explain how your candidate meets the selection criteria
  • Collect letters of support from two other people
  • Get the nominee’s permission.

Then mail it to us before the deadline.

Nomination deadline: January 31, 2007

View the nomination form (PDF, 463 KB)

Award Categories

Selection panel

An independent selection panel will review the nominations and recommend award recipients.

Learn more about the selection panel

Promote the awards

Help us promote the Premier’s Awards and recognize Ontario’s outstanding educators.


Who should you nominate?

Someone who:

  • motivates students to excel
  • ignites curiosity and wonder
  • encourages kids to believe in themselves
  • finds and unlocks hidden potential
  • sets high standards and helps kids reach them
  • sees the ability in every student
  • never gives up