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Ontario Government Website
Ministry of Community and Social Services
Ministry of Community and Social Services - Printer Friendly Version

  Ministry of Community and Social Services

The Ministry of Community and Social Services envisions thriving communities sustained by the economic and civic contributions of all Ontarians.

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Community Services Developmental Services Family Responsibility Office Social Assistance


Mentoring Partnership Expanded To Sault Ste. Marie 
November 24, 2006
Mentoring Partnership Expanded To Sault Ste. Marie
SAULT STE. MARIE – The Ontario government is expanding a mentoring program that will help young adults with a developmental disability achieve success in life after school, Minister of Community and Social Services Madeleine Meilleur announced today. [More]

November 22, 2006, McGuinty Government Improving Employment Options For Ontarians On Disability Support [More]

November 15, 2006, Ontario Businesses Breaking Down Barriers For People With Disabilities [More]

November 9, 2006, McGuinty Government Strengthens Services For Women Fleeing Abuse [More]