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The Expert Panel on the Enhanced 18-Month Well Baby Visit

The panel submitted the following report to the ministry:  Getting it Right at 18 Months … Making it Right for a Lifetime.


The government is responding to the recommendations of the panel by creating an implementation advisory committee to provide advice on the next steps. The committee will be made up of individuals with expertise in primary care, healthy child development, professional education, data measurement and evaluation.


Panel Members


  • Chair: Dr. Robin Williams, Clinical Professor, Dept. of Pediatrics, McMaster University, and Medical Officer of Health, Niagara Region Public Health Department

  • Theresa Agnew, Nurse Practitioners Association of Ontario
  • Dr. Sheela Basrur, Chief Medical Officer of Health and Assistant Deputy Minister, Pubic Health Division, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
  • Marilyn Booth, Executive Director, Ontario’s Children’s Health Network
  • Ellen Boychyn, Board of Directors, Ontario Association for Infant Development and Manager, Durham Infant Development
  • Dr. Ray Buncic, Pediatric Ophthalmologist, Hospital for Sick Children
  • Dr. Jean Clinton, Assistant Clinical Professor, Dept. Of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, McMaster University
  • Dr. Linda Comley, Family Physician
  • Dr. Dave Davis, Associate Dean/Educational Consultant, Office of Continuing Education, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
  • Susan Fitzpatrick, Executive Director, Health Services Division, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
  • Dr. Robin Gaines, Speech and Language Pathologist, Preschool Speech and Language Program of Ottawa, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario
  • Pat Hanly, Public Health Manager, Community Health Department, Perth District Health Unit
  • Dr. Alan Hudak, Pediatrician/Clinical Lecturer, University of Toronto
  • Janet Kasperski, Executive Director and CEO, Ontario College of Family Physicians
  • Lidia Monaco, Director of Children, Youth and Family Services, St. Christopher House and Co-Chair, Ontario Early Years Centres Provincial Network
  • Lorna Montgomery, Clinical Director, Peel Infant Development
  • Dr. Wendy Roberts, Developmental Pediatrician, MacMillan Children’s Centre and Director, Autism Research Unit, Hospital for Sick Children and Professor of Pediatrics, University of Toronto
  • Dr. Garry Salisbury, Provider Services Branch, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
  • Dr. Peter Steer, President, McMaster Children’s Hospital and Chief of Pediatrics, Hamilton Health Sciences and St. Joseph’s Healthcare and Chair, Dept. of Pediatrics, McMaster University

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