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Welcome to Memorial

A university for 21st-century explorers

Arts Building

At the end of the road less traveled, a new adventure in learning awaits at Memorial University of Newfoundland.

Memorial is an extraordinary university in a unique place.

It’s a university of 21st-century explorers, where the opportunities are as vast as the place itself. It’s a place where cutting edge technology and flexible programs combine to liberate our students' true potential.

Memorial is also the largest university in Atlantic Canada, offering more than 100 degree programs to a student population of 17,000.

Students can expand their horizons at one of two campuses in St. John's, including the Marine Institute, one in Corner Brook and one in Harlow, England.

Memorial is home to a vibrant and innovative research community. Our researchers are exploring all disciplines including science, medicine, arts, social sciences, engineering, education, and business.