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Welcome winter!

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Active living

Take advantage of all that winter has to offer!

Participate in physical activities, play outside. Let winter show you its warmth…

For some people, winter is a season that should be struck from the calendar. They are often inactive during this period, and that is why they don’t like it. And yet, winter is a marvelous season for physical activity. All you have to do is wrap yourself up warmly and step outside! Play games outdoors, make a snowman, build a snow fort or an igloo, go for a walk, go snowshoeing, skating, skiing, etc. Once you’re outside, there are no regrets. And at the end of the day, we head for home to prepare a healthy, delicious dinner. We look wonderful with our rosy cheeks, clear eyes and lungs full of fresh air. When evening comes and the moon is high in the sky, we can draw the curtains and sleep like a baby, dreaming about winter games played under sparkling snowflakes.

You say you don’t like winter? Well, get out and experience it! You will soon become inseparable buddies. Some of your idols on the Canadiens hockey team probably acquired a taste for the game by playing outdoors!

Don’t get stuck inside watching winter pass you by as the television blares, counting the months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and even seconds separating you from spring. Get out and enjoy this bracing weather! You will see that staying active shortens the cold season and makes spring seem like it came in too quickly.

For suggestions on winter activities, and to find out those organized near your home, consult the Plaisirs d’hiver section of the Web site

Let winter show you its warmth! When we stay active, it’s a lot less cold!

Eating or health

Cold hands, warm dishes!

There’s nothing like the onset of winter cold to entice us to seek out warmth, especially on our plate. Hot dishes, whose aroma often reminds us of Grandma’s kitchen, are like small portions of happiness, providing both physical and mental comfort.

But wait, just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean that we have to eat more. Stick with your good eating habits and choose healthy foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, and keep active physically. In winter as in summer, practising sports requires the right energy intake at meals and proper hydration.

Here are a few tips to help improve the quality of your favourite “comfort foods.”

Soup’s on!

Flavour your soup broths with your favourite herbs: parsley, basil, oregano, thyme, etc. Add fresh or frozen vegetables (carrots, onions, turnips, snow peas, spinach, green beans, celery, peppers, etc.), and whole grain pastas or rice.

  • For a creamier soup, process boiled vegetables with their cooking water in a food processor or blender, and season to taste.
  • To turn your soup into a meal in itself, just add legumes: red kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc.

If you add an abundance of vegetables, a one-cup bowl of soup is equal to approximately one-and-a-half portions of vegetables. Bon appétit!

What’s cookin’ . . .

Vegetables (onions, garlic, carrots, turnips, broccoli, potatoes, tomatoes, green and yellow beans, squash, etc.) will add colour, flavour and vitamins to your simmered beef, pork and chicken recipes. When it looks good, it tastes better! Choose lean cuts of meat and cook them in a steamer or slow cooker. Aside from being simple, this method of cooking helps preserve all the food nutrients.

Comfy mornings

Having a hard time getting out from under the covers? Start your day off right with a hot bowl of porridge or a home-made muffin, fruit and a cup of hot chocolate milk.

Crunchy crisps

Replace the traditional apple with frozen berries: raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, etc. Many recipes for fruit crisps are low in sugar and fat. Served hot, fruit crisps are a real treat for the tastebuds . . . and guests always want seconds! Speaking about the trusty traditional apple, why not bake it in the oven, halved and cored, with a sprinkling of brown sugar and a few dried raisins in the centre . . . a real treat!

Warm up your winter with comforting recipes, and don’t forget your vegetables!

© Gouvernement du Québec, 2005