Services to Québec employers
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Services to Québec employers

Are you considering hiring a foreign worker?

  • You are a Québec public or private employer.
  • You need foreign workers to fill one or more positions.
  • You are unable to recruit candidates in Québec who meet your requirements or who are available in the short or medium term to fill these openings.

Information and the procedures for hiring a foreign worker on a temporary or permanent basis are provided here.

Why hire a foreign worker?

Immigration offers a direct and immediate source of young, skilled workers. It contributes to alleviate labour shortages in certain fields. The hiring of a foreign worker may provide a company with an opportunity to acquire new expertise and to discover new horizons.

Hiring a temporary foreign worker

Do you wish to offer temporary employment to a foreign worker? It is incumbent upon you, as an employer, to undertake most of the procedures required to enable the foreign worker you wish to hire to come and work in Québec.

Hiring a permanent foreign worker

Do you wish to offer permanent employment to a foreign worker in order to meet your labour needs? Read about the procedures to bring the worker you have recruited to Québec and to support him or her through the integration process.


International Social Security Agreements for foreign workers
The foreign worker you hire may eventually be eligible for benefits paid by a foreign country that has signed a social security agreement with Québec. Consequently, once in Québec, foreign workers should check whether a social security agreement applies to their situation.



Do you want to dispatch an employee abroad?
When you dispatch an employee abroad, you are required to make social security contributions. Contact the Bureau des ententes de sécurité sociale (BESS), an office of the Régie des rentes du Québec, to obtain a certificate of coverage that will allow you to save by making contributions only to Québec. However, dispatched employees must meet certain requirements.
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Last modification : 2006-08-10
Portail du gouvernement du Québec