Québec Handy Numbers, 2006 Edition

Québec Handy Numbers, 2006 Edition
ligne bleu ISQ

Québec Handy Numbers, 2006 Edition was published by the Institut de la statistique du Québec in collaboration with over 50 specialists in the field of Québec data. It features statistical tables and charts on several aspects of Québec society: territory, population, living conditions, the economy and finance.

La versión española de este folleto se titula Québec cifras a mano, Edición de 2006.

Nouveau : L'édition 2006 Le Québec chiffres en main est maintenant disponible.

  • ISBN : 2-551-22676-7
  • Frequency : annual
  • Number of pages : 55
  • Price :
    • 1,00 $ + GST 7%
      Minimum mail delivery purchase order (10 copies)
      Quantity discount :
      10 to 30 copies - 20%
      31 to 50 copies - 30%
      51 and more copies - 40%
  • Release date : 2006-05-05

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