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Parc national de la Gaspésie, Gaspésie

More and more, Québecers are looking for ways to preserve and promote a deeper understanding of their vast natural heritage. In fact, the provincial and federal governments have created some 27 national parks in an effort to preserve the region’s most representative specimens and to offer the public the pleasure of exploring these vast expanses of wilderness.

Over the years, park administrations have developed a keen interest in the interpretation of the region’s rich flora and fauna, placing special emphasis on educating visitors who come to explore these privileged areas and raising their awareness of the sanctity of these natural habitats.

Eight national wildlife reserves also testify to this commitment to the environment including the well-known Cap-Tourmente, the age-old stopover of snow geese and other migratory birds. Québec is also home to three UNESCO-designated Biosphere Reserves: Mont Saint-Hilaire, Charlevoix and Lac Saint-Pierre.

Explore wide open spaces

Parc national de la Gaspésie, GaspésieNumerous companies specializing in ecotourism and adventure tourism offer you the opportunity to discover Québec's natural wealth on foot, in a canoe or by sea kayak. By choosing a company certified by Aventure Écotourisme Québec, you can be sure of practicing your activity in a safe manner. This association promotes quality standards, and clients receive instruction from qualified guides who make respect for the environment a top priority.

Maritime Québec, which opens onto the estuary and the Gulf of St. Lawrence, is an exceptionally beautiful region where you can observe thirteen different whale species from a boat or simply by standing on the shoreline. The Saguenay–Saint-Laurent Marine Park is one of the many jewels of this maritime region, where the confluence of these two mighty rivers provides a rich source of food, creating a fluvial haven for large marine mammals.

Take advantage of your stay to visit Aboriginal and Inuit communities and learn about their heritage and unique way of life.

As you can see, Québec has left no stone unturned in its effort to make respect and understanding of its environment second nature for visitors and hosts alike!

And, while you're at it, why not adopt the guidelines that make for sound and pleasurable ecotourism?

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