Régienet  On-line services

Complete security

Accepting the conditions and limitations of liability

By using the on-line services available on this site, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and accepted the conditions and limitations of liability that follow.


Our role when it comes to ensuring secure and trustworthy electronic exchanges

We use the la test technologies available and take all the necessary precautions to rigorously protect the information you send us through our on-line services:

  • We verify your identity before giving you access to services that require us to use personal information from your file at the Régie.
  • We use 128-bit secure socket-layer (SSL) encryption, which transforms your information into a code that is impossible to read during transmission.
  • We interrupt your session after 30 minutes of inactivity.

You also have a role to play!

Be vigilant! You are responsible for the information you send us.

  • Close your session securely as soon as you have finished using an on-line service or if you have to temporarily leave your computer unsupervised during a session: À

    • Click on the Quit button
    • Erase your memory cache and then close all the open windows of your Web browser.

  • Never give out your access codes. The Régie cannot be held responsible for unauthorized usage of such information. If the confidentiality of your information is ever in doubt, notify us as soon as possible in order to prevent fraudulent use of your identity.
  • Be sure your computer is equipped with the following:

    • A recent version of your Web browser that accepts 128-bit secure socket layer (SSL) data encryption
    • all available security patches for your operating system
    • reliable anti-virus software that is up-to-date
    • a firewall, especially if you have a high-speed connection.

  • If you do not see the security seal (closed padlock), or if the seal is broken (open padlock), there is no guarantee that your Internet transmission is secure and that no one will be able to intercept it.


Secure use of e-mail

  • Never send us an e-mail that contains sensitive personal information such as your social insurance number or date of birth.
  • Ignore and delete any e-mails asking for personal or financial information. Do the same with e-mails asking for an access code or password.
  • When you subscribe to Liaison RRQ, you will have to choose an icon and a keyword. Those elements will always be included in our e-mails and will be a form of electronic stamp. With that security measure, you will always know that the e-mail really is from the Régie. If you receive an e-mail that does not show the icon that you chose when you signed up, notify us immediately because someone may be trying to obtain your confidential information (in an e-mail fraud or information "phishing" scheme).
  • Be wary of attachments. Avoid opening attachments if you are unsure of the contents or unfamiliar with the sender.

This site is subject to Québec law. Any legal dispute related to the use of the Régie's on-line services will be heard by a competent court in the judicial district of Québec, province of Québec , Canada .