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The Régie des rentes du Québec and child assistance

The Régie des rentes du Québec administers the child assistance measure that is part of Québec's family policy. The Minister of Families, Seniors and the Status of Women, Ms. Carole Théberge, is the minister responsible for the Régie in matters related to the administration of the child assistance measure.

Beginning in January 2007, in cases of shared custody that the Régie already knows about, child assistance payments will be made to both parents at the same time, without interruption. The annual amount will be the same as before, but the payments will be spread over the entire year, according to the payment frequency (monthly or quarterly) already chosen by each parent.

Child assistance and you 

The refundable tax credit for child assistance is paid by the Québec government to provide assistance to families. The child assistance measure has two components:

The child assistance payment is a form of financial assistance paid to all Québec families with one or more dependent children under the age of 18.

The purpose of the supplement for handicapped children is to provide financial assistance for families to help with the care and education of a handicapped child. The physical or mental handicap must be serious.

The amount of the supplement is the same for all children who are deemed to be handicapped by the Régie, regardless of family income or type of handicap.

The Régie and you 

If you have one or more dependent children under the age of 18, you are entitled to child assistance payments, regardless of your income.

To find out about how much, to take steps or to obtain answers, we suggest that you visit the following links, which deal with child assistance.

Liaison RRQ - E-notification services
Receive e-mails with all the latest news on financial assistance programs for children administered by the Régie des rentes du Québec

Québec Children: The Most Popular Given Names.
To calculate Child Assistance and Work Premium.
Did you know that?
You can use Calcul@ide or consult the table to find out the amount that you could receive based on your situation.

Beginning in January 2007, parents must notify the Régie des rentes du Québec of any change in their family situation, except for new births.