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Hunting and fishing 
Nature’s bounty

Lac à l'Eau claire, Nunavik

For Québecers, beneficiaries of an abundant wildlife, hunting and fishing are more than just sports. They provide a unique opportunity to get back to basics and to re-discover the essential elements of their natural heritage. In the forests, lakes and rivers that make up this immense territory that is Québec, outfitters offer hunting and fishing enthusiasts lodging, equipment, guides and other logistical support—in a word, all the amenities needed to facilitate encounters with big caribou, moose and deer, black bears, and battling fish!

Caribou Deer Moose Black bear Wildfowl Salmon fishing Ice fishing
Waterfowl hunting

Flight of fancy

Sainte-Émilie-de-l'Énergie, LanaudièreQuébec’s vast hunting expanses encompass infinitely diverse ecosystems. This territory, where wetlands abound with wildfowl, includes close to 3,000 km (1,860 mi.) of tide lands and thousands of lakes and rivers—ideal sanctuaries for innumerable winged fauna as varied as nature itself.

PhotoDepending on habitat and latitude, one can easily spot snow geese as well as a staggering variety of dabbling ducks and diving ducks such as the mallard, shoveler, teal, golden-eye, pintail, black duck, eider, scoter and oldsquaw. In the forests, hunters can also expect to encounter grouse, spruce grouse and woodcock, a particularly exciting challenge for hunters.

Réserve nationale de faune du Cap-Tourmente, QuébecAt the moment, Québec’s snow geese population exceeds 800,000. It is a truly breathtaking sight to watch as these majestic birds take off in a white flurry of feathers and alight with cascading grace, to say nothing of the indescribable pitch of their deafening chorus. On their long migratory journeys between the east coast of the United States and the Arctic, these birds can be seen “refuelling” along the shores of the St. Lawrence—between Cap-Tourmente, Montmagny and Lac Saint-Pierre—along less than 250 km (155 mi.) of shoreline.

PhotoQuébec’s fall goose hunt runs from the end of September to the end of November. This year, spring hunt will also be scheduled. Hidden in concealed enclosures built in fields, hunters lie in wait for geese. Duck hunting is practised on firm ground along lakes and rivers, from a hide or in a standing position. Sea duck enthusiasts can also use floating blinds or boats. This activity gives hunters a chance to take in the full fire of nature’s flamboyant autumnal colour before the onset of winter. Photography buffs will be dazzled by nature’s exquisite fall apparel.

A number of outfitters offer duck hunting while others specialize in migratory bird hunting along the St. Lawrence. Waterfowl hunters can find all the services they need as well as the precious advice of seasoned guides.

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Hunting and fishing
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Municipal and regional park / nature interpretation centre (33)
Ice fishing centre (29)
Beach (22)
Wildlife reserve (17)
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Tourist services Tourist services
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Equipment and recreational vehicle rental (6)
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