The City of Pembroke - Living Here - Communities In Bloom
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  Communities In Bloom

Contact Information:

Susan Ellis, Manager

Economic Development, Recreation and Tourism

PO Box 277   1 Pembroke St E

Pembroke ON   K8A 6X3

Phone:  (613) 735-6821 x 1500

Fax:  (613) 635-7709


2006 Communities in Bloom Competition Results

Click here to view the Pembroke's National Five Bloom Certificate

Residential Winners

ICI Winners

2006 Communities in Bloom Submission

Click here for further information

Communities In Bloom is a Canadian beautification and environmental awareness program that provides information and education in order to instill civic pride and community appreciation of our surroundings.

The local Communities in Bloom Committee meets regularly throughout the year to ensure that the City continues to develop appropriate strategies in the eight areas that are judged during the national competition, including:  heritage conservation, tidiness, urban forestry, turf and ground cover, community involvement, environmental effort, floral displays and landscaped areas.  The municipality's efforts are documented in the 2006 National Communities in Bloom submission which is provided to the judges when they arrive in Pembroke.  This year the judges arrived in Pembroke on August 9th during Communities in Bloom Week, as declared by Mayor Jacyno.

In 2004 the City was awarded 5 Blooms and an honourable mention for Heritage Conservation and the Champlain Trail Museum.  At the local Awards Ceremony, the efforts of the community were recognized, and 5 Bloom certificates were given to over 120 residents and business owners.  The Golden Spade Award is awarded annually by the Committee to the business that most exemplifies the principals of Communities in Bloom.

The local committee is made up entirely of VOLUNTEERS, and if you would like to be part of this exciting program, please contact the City of Pembroke at 735-6821 x 1510.

For further information please click here for the Canadian web site.