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Welcome to the City of Pembroke 's Economic Development, Recreation and Tourism Department's Volunteering Website.

We are really glad you found us.

Please click one of the links below to learn more about getting involved with our volunteer team.

•  Why Volunteer

    Explore the benefits of volunteering with a dynamic organization, find out what positions are

    available and view a sample description of a volunteering position.

•  Steps to Becoming a Recreation Volunteer

   Learn about our recruitment process and why we follow it. Get all the forms you need!

•  The Lounge: Volunteer Resources

    Check out our Newsletter, the volunteer handbook and our social calendar


Why Volunteer With Us?

Volunteering is a great way to get involved in the community. You become part of a solution, demonstrate community commitment, gain community contacts and support a cause you feel strongly about.

Communities thrive by supporting each other, and becoming a volunteer is a valuable way to contribute to society.

Volunteers appreciate the diversity of society and enjoy working within it for mutual benefit.

Through contributing to community projects volunteers gain great self development, improved future job prospects and self satisfaction.

Need more convincing? Click here



What do you get?

Get the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping the community in a very real way.

Gain valuable work experience, increasing your future job prospects

Get to know other fun individuals who share your interests

Volunteering costs you nothing – we provide lunch and refund out-of-pocket expenses whenever possible.

We give certificates of achievement that look great on your resume

Fulfill your community service hours with City of Pembroke Recreation Department.

Steps to Becoming a Recreation Department Volunteer





Becoming a volunteer is easy!

Just follow the 5 simple steps!






Steps to Becoming a Recreation Department Volunteer

All volunteers with Pembroke's Recreation department must be 14 years of age or older and must successfully complete the following steps:

•  Complete an Application form

•  Provide two letters of reference - you may wish to use a Reference Form

•  Meet with the Volunteer Co-ordinator for an interview

•  Complete a Criminal Record Check

•  Attend an Orientation Session

Applicants under the age of 19 must also complete a Consent Form with their parent or guardian.


Interested? Click here to check out our current positions available

Sign Me Up Click Here to download an application form


The Lounge:  Volunteer Resources


Come sit in the Vounteer Lounge

Information for Current Recreation Volunteers

Recognition event for outstanding volunteers – April 28, 2005

•  Volunteer Mirror SPRING 2005 - a quarterly informational for volunteers by volunteers. Let us know if you want to write the next one.

•  Volunteer Handbook - designed for our volunteers - check it out if you want to apply too


Social Events

We want our volunteers to be friends and to socialize throughout the year. If you have an idea for a social event, suggest it to us and we will contact our volunteers and see what they say.

Volunteer Recognition event:   Fall 2005

BBQ with awards and presentations

Date T.B.A.

Invitation for all volunteers

Community Volunteer Opportunities

Name of Organization: Kiwanis Club of Pembroke

Contact Name: Gary Bloedow President

Phone: (613) 735-5299 (h)

           (613) 735-3147 (w)

email: bloedg@nrtco.net

Website: www.pembroke.library.on.ca/kiwanis

Name of the Organization: Knights of Columbus Council 1531

Contact Person: Tom Laroche, Grand Knight

Phone: (613) 735-5446

email: sparki2001@sympatico.ca

Website: http://www.webhart.net/tomparr

Name of Organization:  Marianhill

Contact Name:  Joanna Chisnell, Coordinator of Volunteers

Phone:  (613) 735-6839  Ex 479

email:  volunteers@marianhill.ca

Website:   http://www.marianhill.ca

Name of the Organization: Pembroke Heritage Murals

Contact Person: Pamela Dempsey

Phone: (613) 735-3413

Email: phmurals@webhart.net

Website: www.pembroke.ca/content/visiting_here/heritage_murals

Name of Organization:  Pembroke Regional Hospital Auxiliary

Contact Name:  Covenor (Gift Shop)

Phone:  (613) 732-2811, ext. 6169

Website:    http://www.pemreghos.org

Name of Organization:  St John Ambulance

Contact Name:  Wayne Cotnam

Phone:  (613) 735-0772

email:  stjohn@bellnet.ca

Name of Organization:  United Way / Centraide of the Upper Ottawa Valley

Contact Name:  Mike G. Wright, Chair

Phone:  (613) 735-0436

email:  unitedw@nrtco.net

Website:  www.pembroke.unitedway.ca

Volunteering with Pembroke's Recreation Department

•  Why volunteer with City of Pembroke Economic Development, Recreation and Tourism Department?

•  Steps to becoming a Recreation Volunteer

•  Ongoing Recreation Volunteer Opportunities

•  Upcoming Volunteer Training/Orientation Sessions

•  Information and Forms for Recreation Volunteers

•  Volunteer Handbook

•  Volunteer Mirror Newsletter

•  Community Volunteering Opportunities

Interested? Click here to check out our current positions available

Sign Me Up Click Here to download an application form

Contact us Need any questions answered? Call us at the following numbers:

Pembroke Memorial Centre
PO Box 277 393 Pembroke St W
Pembroke ON K8A 6X3
Phone:  (613) 735-6821 X 1500
Fax:  (613) 635-7709
email - recreation@pembroke.ca

Jo-Anne Nagora , Facilities Booking Clerk

Phone:  (613) 735-6821 x 1501

email:  jnagora@pembroke.ca

Suzanne Lance , Program Assistant

Phone:  (613) 735-6821 x 1503

email:  slance@pembroke.ca