Registering your child in childcare services
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Registering your child in childcare services (day care)

In Québec, it is against the law to leave children under the age of 12 unsupervised. However, parents who work or study often find it difficult to reconcile work and family. To assist these parents, the Québec government has created a network of childcare services that offers various resources.


The Québec Day Care Centre Network
Ressources Age group Number of children accomo-
Attendance Lenght of Stay Charac-

Centres de la petite enfance (childcare centers)

From birth to age 5
Occasionally, school-age children

At least 7

Can vary, full or part-time

48 consecutive hours

program *

Services de garde en milieu familial (home childcare services)

From birth to age 12

Maximum of 9

Can vary, full or part-time

Possibility of providing service for more than 24 hours

program *

Garderies (day care centres)

From birth to age 12

At least 7

Can vary, full or part-time

24 consecutive hours

program *

The services listed below are not currently governed by law.

Jardins d'enfants (nursery schools)

From age 2 to age 5

Stable groups of at least 7

Morning or afternoon, on a regular basis

Maximum of 4 hours

program *

Haltes-garderies (stop over centres)

From birth to age 12

At least 7

Can vary, occasional use

24 consecutive hours

Educational activities optional

* Program adapted to the child's age and the time spent on site with the ultimate goal of enhancing overall development.

All of these services, except for those in private residences (home child care), are provided on premises specifically equipped for day care purposes. The centres de la petite enfance coordinate and monitor home child care services.


Childcare centres and day cares must hold a permit from the Ministère de la Famille, des Aînés et de la Condition féminine and respect the laws that govern them. Most regulated childcare services offer spaces at a reduced price. Some families can receive a refund for a portion of their childcare expenses or be totally exempt. For more information, contact the childcare service you have chosen or the Ministère.


  • To find out about childcare centres and day cares holding a permit, consult the directory childcare establishment locator.
  • Apply for admission as soon as possible to make sure that your child has a place in a childcare centre or day care.
  • Be sure to meet with the childcare staff before making your choice.


Childcare services in the schools

Kindergarten and elementary school schedules rarely coincide with those of working parents. In addition, school holidays, such as pedagogical days, sometimes fall on workdays. Most schools offer childcare services at the school before classes start in the morning, at lunchtime and after school.

Children who attend these services after school can use the time to do their homework.



As a parent, you may ask your governing board to set up a childcare service in your school, provided you can demonstrate a need for it.



Parents who send their children to the school childcare service for a minimum of two and a half hours a day for at least three days a week pay minimal daily fees. However, other costs such as fees for meals eaten at school or special activities organized by the childcare service may be added. Contact your school or school board to find out which schools provide these services.


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Last modification : 2006-08-13
Portail du gouvernement du Québec