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Revenu Québec online

Do you realize that you have access to much more than just information on Revenu Québec's Web site? You can use a variety of electronic services to file an income tax return, change your address, order a Revenu Québec publication and more. Some examples follow.


DanDan has completed a paper income tax return every year. This time, he has decided to use commercial software. He can then file the return with Revenu Québec by Internet using the NetFile Québec service. Subsequently, he will be able to follow the processing of his income tax return online, by consulting the Refund Info-Line.

Dan has also opted to register for Clic Revenu electronic services for individuals and will therefore be able to consult his notice of assessment online. His registration for Clic Revenu also gives him access to the online services of the Régie des rentes du Québec.

Separator Larry

Larry is moving? He can easily notify Revenu Québec of his change of address  by Internet. At the same time, he can access the Service québécois de changement d'adresse and change his address in the files of other bodies and departments of the Québec government, such as the Directeur général des élections du Québec, the Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale, the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec, the Régie des rentes du Québec and the Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec.

Separator Margaret

Margaret wants to get a copy of the brochure entitled New Businesses and Taxation (IN-307-V), published by Revenu Québec. She places an order by Internet on Revenu Québec's Web site. It's as easy as pie! She receives the brochure in the mail a few days later. Margaret decides to create her own small business. She registers her business for the QST and GST by Internet, using the service Registering a new business for Revenu Québec files.

Then, by registering for the Clic Revenu electronic services offered to businesses and individuals in business, Margaret knows that she will be able to easily and securely consult her tax file and conduct transactions with Revenu Québec at her convenience. Moreover, she has consulted the demo to find out about the Clic Revenu electronic services available to businesses and individuals in business.


CynthiaCynthia, now retired, is required to pay her income tax to Revenu Québec in quarterly instalments. Rather than completing the paper forms for instalment payments and mailing them along with her cheques, she opts for electronic payment via financial institutions. She finds it easier and more efficient.

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