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Emergency Preparedness

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Emergency Preparedness

Being prepared for an emergency is important for families, neighbourhoods and businesses. The HEROS program provides emergency preparedness tips and free seminars to help plan for an emergency, and the City has several programs in place to respond and provide Emergency Social Services in an emergency.

Emergency Amateur Radio

The Coquitlam Amateur Radio Club is a non-profit organization that was created to promote the exciting hobby of Amateur/Ham radio and emergency communications.

Be Aware of Hazards

It is important to know the hazards that exist in our community and design an emergency plan with those hazards in mind.  Here are some common hazards that we should all be aware of.

How to Turn Off Utilities

How to turn off your utilities in an emergency.

Emergency Supplies Checklist

Use this convenient checklist to ensure you have the basic supplies necessary to be prepared for an emergency.

Plan for your Children

It is important to include your children’s needs in your disaster plan.  Here are some tips on how to prepare for children during an emergency.

Be Prepared at Home

It's important to be prepared for an emergency by ensuring you have supplies and a plan for what you and your family would do in the event of a major disaster.   Here are some key tips to ensure you can be self-sufficient for 72 hours after a major disaster.


In the event of flooding hazards, each of us has a responsibility to protect our homes and families.  By planning ahead and taking sensible precautions, you can do your part to minimize flood damage.

Search and Rescue

Information about the Coquitlam Search & Rescue team.

Out of Province and Area Contacts

Following a large disaster there is the posibility that land and cellular phone service may be limited as lines may be overloaded, down or working sporadically.  With a family contact in place for outside of the province and within your area you can help communicate with the rest of your family in the event of an emergency.

Winter Power Failures

Here are some tips on what you can do for your safety during winter power failures.

Planning for your pet

It's important to make sure that preparations have been made to ensure your pet's well being. Plan ahead and make sure that your plan covers your pet's alternate housing, evacuation and that you have an emergency kit for your pet.


H.E.R.O.S. is a community initiative aimed at providing emergency preparedness training opportunities to the residents of Coquitlam and Port Moody.

Disaster Response Routes

Disaster Response Routes are a unified network of roads that are intended to allow emergency services to travel where they are needed during disasters.

Emergency Social Services

Emergency Social Services (ESS), sponsored by the Ministry of Human Resources, provides basic assistance for those who are forced to leave there homes because of fire, floods, earthquakes or other emergencies.

How the City Prepares and Responds

The City of Coquitlam has a number of measures in place to prepare for and respond effectively in the case of a minor emergency as well as a major disaster like a flood or earthquake.

Disaster Response Plan 2005

Coquitlam is committed to providing leadership and guidelines to meet the challenges associated with emergency management.  This includes preparation and planning to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of its citizens, and to provide an effective response and recovery as much as possible.

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