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2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Secretariat
Marketing and Promoting British Columbia
Enhancing Economic Development


To host the most successful Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, resulting in lasting economic, sport, cultural and social legacies that benefit communities throughout British Columbia.


The BC Secretariat provides strategic leadership for the Province of British Columbia, ensuring that the Province’s financial commitments to the Games are prudently managed and British Columbia’s Olympic vision is achieved.


The BC Secretariat will focus on the following four strategic goals to implement its mission prior to, during 2010 and beyond:

  1. The 2010 Games are delivered on time and within the approved budget
  2. The 2010 Games are a catalyst to maximize economic development and to creating sustainable economic legacies throughout British Columbia and Canada
  3. The 2010 Games foster the development of sustainable economic, social, cultural and sport legacies and every community in British Columbia has the opportunity to receive benefits from the 2010 games
  4. 2010 partner, stakeholder and community relationships are created and maintained

The BC Secretariat also represents the Province as a principal partner in a number of critical relationships and partnerships, including the parties to the Multi-Party Agreement (the Canadian Olympic Committee (COC); the Canadian Paralympic Committee (CPC), the Federal government represented by the Department of Canadian Heritage, the City of Vancouver, the Resort Municipality of Whistler, and the Vancouver Organizing Committee (VANOC).

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