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BC Stats Releases
Business Indicators Dec 2006

Municipal Population Estimates, 2006
Between July 1st 2005 and June 30th 2006, British Columbia's population grew by 1.24 per cent. This resulted in and increase of 52,619 individuals from the 2005 population of 4,257,833 to an end of period population level of 4,310,452 persons. More...
Graphs, Tables Dec 2006 Previous Issues
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2001 Census Profiles

Our most detailed overview of demographic and housing characteristics for approximately 1,400 areas in B.C. Charts, tables, percentages, and selected data presented on the basis of local experience, help you come to an immediate sense of an area. Some summary areas are available in our free site. Most areas are available here. More...
Profiles 2001 Census Free Summaries

Consumer Price Index Nov 2006

B.C.'s Consumer Price Index rose 1.5% compared to November 2005. More...
Graphs, Tables Nov 2006 Previous Issues
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Current Statistics Dec 2006

British Columbia's unemployment rate increased to 4.9% (seasonally adjusted) in November, as unemployment in the province fell slightly (-0.2%), while the labour force was unchanged from October. More...
Tables Dec 2006 Previous Issues
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Earnings and Employment Trends Nov 2006

Graphs only
Tables Nov 2006 Previous Issues
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Exports Oct 2006

Plan B: An APEC Free Trade Region?
The likely demise of the Doha round of the World Trade Organization (WTO) trade talks has countries such as Canada and the United States looking for other options and one such option being proposed is a free trade zone ecompassing the APEC nations. More...
Tables Oct 2006 Previous Issues
 Annual Tables (PDF)
Note: revised Nov. 2006

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Immigration Highlights 2006 Q3

A Summary of the Federal Immigration Plan for 2006
Each year, the Federal Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) announces annual planning levels in its Annual Report to Parliament on Immigration. More...
Highlights Only Complete Release
Maps, Tables Previous Issues
Annual Historical Data Immigration Glossary
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Labour Force Statistics Nov 2006

BC’s unemployment rate rises slightly as service sector sheds jobs. More...
Tables Nov 2006 Previous Issues
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Migration Highlights 2006 Q3

Migration Patterns between Northern and Southern B.C.
This Feature Article presents information on patterns of migration in Northern and Southern areas of B.C.. Areas of interest explored are the size of migrant populations within these areas, the age and sex characteristics of migrants, and their top destination and source areas. More...
Highlights Only Complete Release
Previous Issues
Migration Flow Maps & Tables (PDF):
Quarterly Population Component Tables (PDF):
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Quarterly Regional Statistics 2006 Q3

Current monthly and quarterly economic data to provide an up-to-date measurement of local activity compared to that of the province. Includes text, charts and tables. More...
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Small Business Quarterly 2006 Q3
(Now available for FREE)

Female Enterprise in British Columbia
In November 2006, PROFIT magazine announced its annual W100 list of top (by revenue) Canadian women Business owners. In 2006, emphasis on the growth of their businesses was of key importance for these successful businesswomen. More...
Graphs, Tables 2006 Q3 Previous Issues

Tourism Sector Monitor Nov 2006

Travels from Japan to B.C.
Entries from Japan have slumped significantly since 1997. Asia is an important and growing tourism market for B.C.; Asian entries accounted for roughly a third of total overseas entries to B.C. More...
Tables Nov 2006 Previous Issues
Historical Series
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Last Issued:
Current Statistics Dec 28
Business Indicators Dec 27
Migration Highlights Dec 27
Small Business Quarterly Dec 27
Immigration Highlights Dec 21
Consumer Price Index Dec 19
Exports Dec 13
Tourism Sector Monitor Dec 13
Quarterly Regional Statistics Dec 06
Labour Force Statistics Dec 01
Earnings & Employment TrendsDec 01
Release schedule
All releases (and previous articles from those releases) are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. If you are unfamiliar with this helper application for your browser, please click here. Access to the statistical bulletin area of the web site is provided for one year from the date the account is activated. The actual number of issues may vary from that reported above, depending on the timing of the release dates. We will not make refunds, full or partial. BC Stats reserves the right to modify the contents of individual titles, as well as to drop and add new titles, in our continuing efforts to better serve clients. Licencing terms forbid the resale or redistribution of these documents outside your organization.
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