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2004 Report [pdf 107 kb]
2002 Report [pdf 594 kb]

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Crown Contaminated Sites Branch


The Crown Contaminated Sites Branch (CCSB) provides clear, accountable cross-government policy for the management of contaminated sites for which the Province is responsible. It improves the information available on contaminated sites, and institutes a provincial framework to establish accountabilities for liabilities and progress. CCSB manages priority contaminated sites, using a risk-based approach, to ensure protection of human health and the environment.

In response to a report “Managing Contaminated Sites on Provincial Lands, 2002/2003: Report 5” issued by the Auditor General, the Crown Contaminated Sites Branch was established in 2003 to assume a lead role for government to take actions toward creating a provincial strategy that reflects stronger leadership and public accountability with respect to the management of contaminated sites for which the province is responsible.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Lands (MAL) is now responsible for the management of contaminated sites for which the province is responsible under the Crown Contaminated Sites Branch. The Ministry of Environment is charged with the regulatory role related to provincial contaminated sites under the Environmental Management Act and Contaminated Sites Regulation.

The Crown Contaminated Sites Branch manages identified priority contaminated sites on provincial lands, to ensure protection of human health and the environment.

A number of significant accomplishments have been achieved, including:

  • Implementing the Britannia Mine Remediation Plan with managing the clean up of contaminated soil and groundwater, redirection of surface water to avoid it entering the mine and being contaminated, and established a partnership with EPCOR Water Services to design, build, finance and operate a water treatment plant to treat acid rock drainage from flowing into Howe Sound;
  • Significant ongoing remediation of contaminated soil at Pacific Place in Vancouver;
  • Undertaking a Detailed Site Investigation at Ladysmith Harbour as part of a Brownfields Pilot Project;
  • Completing site investigations, a risk assessment and a remediation plan for the Yankee Girl mine tailings at Ymir, BC;
  • Undertaking clean up and removal of refuse at the Pitt River landfill site;
  • Initiating preliminary remediation at the Malakwa landfill site; and
  • Securing funding of the program's business plan through fiscal year 2007-08.

Since its inception, the Crown Contaminated Sites Branch has been recognized by the Office of the Auditor General, in the November 2004 report "Managing Contaminated Sites on Provincial Lands" for:

  • Leadership in developing and implementing the Management of Contaminated Sites Policy;
  • Taking significant steps in establishing site inventories; and
  • Implementing innovative and effective performance measures.


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