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VICTORIA — The government released the public accounts, government's annual strategic plan report and annual service plan reports for all ministries on June 29, 2005. The annual service plan reports summarize the progress of individual ministries, as well as the government as a whole, in meeting the performance targets laid out in service plans at the beginning of each fiscal year.  Read more >>

Click here for audio clips of Finance Minister Carole Taylor discussing the Public Accounts.

June 29, 2005
Annual Service Plan Reports 2004/05.

Please Note: Due to changes in Cabinet and resulting ministry name changes immediately prior to production, URLs stated in these Annual Report documents may be incorrect. We hope to have this problem resolved and all links working as quickly as possible.

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British Columbia Government Annual
Strategic Plan Report
           PDF (916KB)

Ministry Annual Service Plan Reports
Office of the Premier HTML  |  PDF (343KB)
Advanced Education HTML  |  PDF (522KB)
Agriculture, Food and Fisheries HTML  |  PDF (396KB)
Attorney General HTML  |  PDF (514KB)
  Treaty Negotiations Office HTML  |  PDF (506KB)
Children and Family Development HTML  |  PDF (841KB)
Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services HTML  |  PDF (523KB)
Education HTML  |  PDF (519KB)
Energy and Mines HTML  |  PDF (390KB)
Finance HTML  |  PDF (423KB)
Forests HTML  |  PDF (708KB)
Health Services HTML  |  PDF (734KB)
Human Resources HTML  |  PDF (502KB)
Management Services HTML  |  PDF (766KB)
Provincial Revenue HTML  |  PDF (560KB)
Public Safety and Solicitor General HTML  |  PDF (499KB)
Skills Development and Labour HTML  |  PDF (349KB)
Small Business and Economic Development HTML  |  PDF (350KB)
Sustainable Resource Management HTML  |  PDF (599KB)
Transportation HTML  |  PDF (873KB)
Water, Land and Air Protection HTML  |  PDF (518KB)

Commission Annual Service Plan Reports
Agricultural Land Commission HTML  |  PDF (346KB)
BC Environmental Assessment Office HTML  |  PDF (299KB)
BC Public Service Agency HTML  |  PDF (398KB)
Forest Practices Board HTML  |  PDF (295KB)
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