Message from the Minister and
Accountability Statement

Photograph -- Honourable Kevin Falcon.The Ministry of Transportation is strengthening B.C.'s network of roads, railways, ports and airports in every region. Our modernized transportation network will keep travellers safe, reduce congestion and pollution, and let our industries and shippers meet the needs of their customers, which will create jobs and stimulate trade. We are protecting and expanding access to vital services such as health care, schools, special needs and recreation. Each improvement brings us closer to achieving the government's Five Great Goals and the prosperity of a Golden Decade.

To construct the infrastructure this province urgently needs, we are investing $2.3 billion over three years. The award-winning Sea-to-Sky Highway Improvement Project is ahead of schedule. The second phase of the Kicking Horse Canyon Project is revitalizing this crucial connection to the rest of Canada. The new William R. Bennett Bridge will bring more tourists and trade into the Okanagan. Communities across B.C. are expanding and enhancing their ports and airports, thanks in part to our Transportation Partnerships Program.

We have also unveiled a $3 billion Gateway Strategy to open up key economic gateways through the Lower Mainland. Traffic will flow smoothly and safely again, bringing economic growth across B.C. and Canada.

Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement is now a ministry responsibility. We will make sure drivers can continue to have full confidence in the safety of both our highways and commercial vehicles.

Everyone in the province is likely to see firsthand improvements to transportation safety, traffic flow and economic development. Projects like the Heartlands Oil and Gas Road Rehabilitation Strategy, the new avalanche control system in Kootenay Pass and the upgrade of our provincial weigh scales are keeping our transportation network efficient and safe. We are also massively investing in rebuilding roads to let communities affected by the mountain pine beetle gather the greatest possible economic benefit from this devastating outbreak.

A province's transportation network is the backbone of its economy and communities. You can be sure that we are making the investments we need today so all of us can make the most of B.C.'s future.

The 2005/06 Ministry of Transportation Annual Service Plan Report compares the actual results to the expected results identified in the ministry's 2005/06 – 2007/08 Service Plan Update. I am accountable for those results as reported.

Honourable Kevin Falcon
Minister of Transportation

June 30, 2006

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