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Application Fees

Refund Information

Applications will be returned to you with your full application fee within seven days if

  • the application is incomplete, or
  • the proposal does not comply with specific program requirements, or
  • some other aspect of the application makes it inadmissible.

Refunds are not available for replacement or amendment applications.

If the application is accepted, refunds are provided per the following table, as outlined in the Fee Refund Policy (127kb):

2.2 Adjudication/Offer Stage
Item / phase Refund amount
Application fee is $250 or less No refund
Application is abandoned by the applicant prior to notification of a disallowance/refusal or offer of a tenure/water license Refund 50 percent of the application fee
Application is disallowed/refused by LWBC Refund 20 percent of the application fee
An offer of tenure or license is made by LWBC (does not matter whether the offer is accepted or not) No refund



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